GFP Newsletter - 3/3/2017

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What is fanaticism? Have you looked into it? The fanatic person is saying he knows perfectly well that what he believes is not true. That's why he shouts loudly that it is true, and the only truth. He is not shouting at you, he is shouting against his own still, small voice. He wants to drown that voice in his shouting. But he knows perfectly well it is not true.


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A State of Consciousness Called Heaven

God said:

When you read a Heavenletter silently or out loud, when you hear a Heavenletter read out loud, you are in the Doorway to Heaven. Enter. All you have to do is to enter where all are welcome. All are restituted here in Heaven, in Heaven with Me. There is nothing mundane about Heaven.

Heaven is out of this world, the world that seems so real to you, yet isn't, while Heaven, which may seem so far away, is Real. Heaven is the Real Goods. Isn't Life amazing?

Heaven is Now. You imagine all this Life in the World. Life in the World is unforgettable. It is so much with you. You put your attention on Life in the World. What a novel it is. What an adventure. It is an ongoing adventure story, page after page, each page different. Your Life on Earth is a page-turner. Who can wait to find out what is next?

And you never know when you are turning the last page of this Fantastic Voyage.

Of course, you continue in Heaven which is quite a different kind of book. Heaven is not fiction, not at all. Even as Earth consumes you, Heaven is of great interest.

On Earth, or in Heaven, I am your Sponsor. Of course, you are never without Heaven. If it were not for the cooperative Presence of Heaven, you would not exist. Despite what you perceive, you are never without your whereabouts in Heaven. Heaven is the main factor in your life on Earth. There are no two ways about this.

Of course, in Heaven there is not here and there. Heaven is Heaven succinct. You are One with Heaven as you are One with Me. Oneness stars.

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Daily Message ~ Friday March 3, 2017

In the older energies, working hard was the norm. It was about forcing your way to success. In the new energies, it is about flowing your way to success. It is about wisely harnessing whatever the energies are supporting on any given day, which allows you to be far more efficient with much less effort. This is the path of grace and ease we speak of – embracing your role as a co-creative dance partner with the universe, which leaves you far more time and energy to experience the joy and presence your soul craves. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Congresswoman Proposes Unthinkable Solution To Refugee Crisis: "Stop Arming Terrorists"

By: Matt Agorist / The Free Thought Project

US Representative Tulsi Gabbard is proving to be quite the thorn in the side of the establishment warmongers. In January, Gabbard went on a secret trip to Syria to investigate first hand and to find the truth that the corporate media is covering up about the Syrian war. Since then, this brave congresswoman has remained steadfast in her mission to show Americans how their tax dollars are funding terrorism in the Middle East.

In a press conference this week, Gabbard called on President Trump to “end the regime change in Syria,” adding that this is what is causing the refugee crisis.

“The most important question is, how do we address the cause of these people fleeing their homes,” Gabbard stated before pointing to a bill that she’s submitted to Congress this year that would help in solving this problem.

The bill’s premise to stop the refugee crisis is quite simple — stop arming the terrorists.

“Stop Arming Terrorists Act,” or HR 608, would ban the use of US taxpayers’ funds to aid terrorist groups affiliated with Al-Qaeda or Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL).

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Why You Should Be Concerned About George Soros' Investment In Netflix, Google, & More

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

Full disclosure: I’m a huge fan of Netflix. I’ve been watching numerous Netflix-produced shows and movies lately, and I’m starting to notice more and more of them have consciousness rooted within them. However, I’ve also noticed some seriously strange forms of propaganda showing up on their platform. This got me thinking: Who funds Netflix?

Infamous investor and businessman George Soros reported at the end of 2015 that he owns 317,534 Netflix shares, which has an estimated worth of $32.79 million. If you’ve never heard of Soros, he is a key member of the elite, or the shadow government, disguised as a philanthropic billionaire. And Netflix isn’t his only concerning investment — he also holds shares in Google and numerous non-profits.

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Four Year Old Children Are Being Forced To Mine For Cobalt To Make Smartphones Work

by Jessica Murray, True Activist

The young children get paid 8p per day for 12 hours of work.

A recent undercover investigation by Sky News has revealed that children as young as four are working in mines to retrieve an substance to make mobile phones work. The investigation discovered that the children are mining cobalt, an essential component of batteries for smartphones and laptops, according to recent reports. Despite the army of children working in the mines to extract it for as little as 8p per day, the crucial component makes billions for multinational companies such as Apple and Samsung. Together with the incredibly low wage that the young children are paid, they are also made to work in terrible conditions with no safety equipment. The footage from Sky News shows that the children are made to continue working during heavy rain when they are wearing no shoes and have to carry large and heavy bags through the dirt.

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New Method For Helping Those Struggling With Drug Addiction Is Giving Them Serious Hope

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

It’s undeniable that the drug epidemic in America is out of control. But who is to blame, and how can we end it? There are various issues to look at concerning the war on drugs, but opioids remain a significant area of focus.

Doctors are undeniably overprescribing such drugs, and yet, when people find themselves addicted, their lives overturned and loved ones lost, they find themselves in a new form of addiction: incarceration. People in power find it all too easy to jail addicts, and yet many addicts find that it is their only avenue for dealing with their addiction.

But the prevalence of this problem is helping to instigate change more awareness about alternative options are out there. One police chief in Massachusetts thought a better option than the current model would be to actually help drug addicts instead of throwing them behind bars. And so the Angel Program came to be.

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Wi-Fi Devices Increase Mercury Release From Dental Amalgams

by Sayer Ji,

Recent research indicates that our increasingly Wi-Fi saturated environment could be greatly amplifying the dangers of mercury exposure from dental amalgams.

A new study published in the Journal of Neuroimmunology entitled, “Effect of radiofrequency radiation from Wi-Fi devices on mercury release from amalgam restorations,” reveals that our now ubiquitous exposure to Wi-Fi radiation may be amplifying the toxicity of dental amalgams and other forms of mercury exposure to the human body.  

Brazilian researchers, in what appears to be the first study of its kind, looked specifically at the potential for Wi-Fi signals to increase the release of mercury from dental amalgams, which are composed of approximately 50% elemental mercury.  

GFP Newsletter - 3/2/2017

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Even if the whole world hates me that makes no difference to me. I will remain just as blissful as I am. This is what troubles them.



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