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Great Changes

Are you ready?  All the work you and I have been doing up to this point has been in preparation for great changes coming to your Earth plane.  It is important to keep your thoughts and actions focused on the positive and know that you will be taken care of.  Some of the experience may be bumpy and uncomfortable, but the end result will be worth the time and effort! ~ Creator

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Thousands Of Mics And Cameras To Be Installed In San Diego For ‘Data Harvesting’

by Brianna Acuesta, True Activist

There's an unanswered question about what this means for personal privacy.

General Electric, in conjunction with AT&T and Intel Corp, is set to install cameras, microphones, and sensors on 3,200 streetlights in San Diego this year, beginning in July. The installations are part of a new “smart city” scheme that aims to monitor traffic and crime.

With this news has also come many questioning whether this is an overreach into personal privacy, which is something that wasn’t properly investigated prior to approving this plan. Jen Lebron of the mayor’s office said, “it’s anonymous data with no personal identifiers,” since apparently the video quality will be low enough to individual identification.

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Disrupt Censorship! How To Keep Seeing News That Matters To You

by Joe Martino, Collective Evolution

Is it algorithms? Or maybe censorship? Or do people just not care anymore? These are the questions going through many people’s minds as it becomes increasingly more difficult to stay informed in our world.

Facebook became the top source for driving news and information to people in 2015. According to’s chief technical officer, Andrew Montalenti, latest estimates show that social media sources (of which Facebook is by far the largest) accounted for about 43% of the traffic to the network of media sites, while Google accounted for just 38%.

Now you might also have been hearing how Facebook’s algorithm has changed and many publishers are now seeing a decline in traffic from Facebook. There are likely a number of reasons for this and we will get to them shortly.

GFP Newsletter - 2/28/2017

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I have never taken anything seriously. This was not a decision on my part; otherwise that decision would have become serious. Just looking at life I found it was so humorous, so ridiculous, that if you cannot make yourself giggle and laugh you are just an idiot, and missing such a great opportunity.


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The Past Is Only an Idea

God said:

There is to be no repenting. When you make an error, correct it and then keep going. Don't weep over it. Don't rue it. A mistake, no matter how serious or how ridiculous, is an error. Even if you did do something averse on purpose, it was an error.

If you committed a deliberate action that was hurtful, now in your higher consciousness an action you would not commit, don't belabor it. At the time, you thought you were right. You didn't know better. Now you know better. Congratulate yourself, and free yourself from aching regret.

Undo the deed by letting go of it. Get out from under the yoke of guilt. Guilt doesn't behoove you or anyone. Now come from a higher place. Do not identify yourself with a past action. There is no profit in it. Be glad you have grown, and keep going forward.

The act of nurturing your conscience and feeling bad about the past is not elevating. Be done with the past. Expiate the past with the present. For Heaven's sake, this is the right thing to do. Agonizing over the past is not the right thing to do.

Feeling guilt is a not a beneficial state of consciousness. Go, make the world a better place now with you in it. You are you now. You are not you back then.

Listen, do not sweat the past. Do not occupy your heart or mind with the past. Daily, let go of the past. Do not harp on your past mistakes. Not harping on your past mistakes is not the same as excusing or babying yourself.

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Weird Life Form Found Trapped Inside Giant Underground Crystals

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Trapped inside massive crystals deep in a Mexican cave, creatures have been discovered that subsist on iron, sulfur, and other chemicals. The researchers say the microbial lifeforms are new to science, but have been tucked away for tens of thousands of years.

Should the discovery be verified, it will add to evidence that “microbial life on Earth can endure harsher conditions in isolated places than scientists previously thought possible.”

“These organisms have been dormant but viable for geologically significant periods of time, and they can be released due to other geological processes,” explains NASA Astrobiology Institute director Penelope Boston.“This has profound effects on how we try to understand the evolutionary history of microbial life on this planet.”

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Texas School Triples Recess Time, Solving Attention Deficit Disorder

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Public education is more stressful than ever for our children, as standardized testing requirements increase and programs like art, music and physical education are being phased out. The result of this type of environment is predictable, and the medical establishment and big pharma are making a killing by drugging active children with ADHD medications and other psychotropic drugs in order to ensure conformity.

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How Banana Trees Are Recycled Into Vegan Leather Wallets In Micronesia (Video)

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

When it comes to animal welfare, vegan leather is a big win, but its environmental impact has been heavily questioned, with many wondering which is worse for the planet — real or faux leather. Though every manufactured product comes with an environmental cost, there are many aspects involved in every phase of the production of both leather and faux leather that must be considered.

The meat and leather industries are incredibly connected, and it’s been well-documented that animal agriculture wreaks havoc on the environment. In fact, the UN reports that the industry creates 18% of greenhouse gas emissions, which is more than all transport emissions combined.


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