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Into the Abode of Heaven

What is all this about time and timelessness that confuse you? What more exactly do you need to know and what for? You can understand without conscious understanding. You can know without conscious knowing. You know long before you catch on what is written in your DNA and is bound to come out.

The human heart goes where the intellect pauses. Your heart gets it all. Your intellect would go in circles and leave you high and dry. The heart is where you live. The mind queries, much like a detective. The mind runs around with its microscope and makes up theories, reaches the door, yet cannot quite open it and venture in or far enough.

Don’t think I spurn the mind. Contrary to what you may have believed, it’s just that you can count on your bedazzled heart more than your brilliant mind. Your intellect may sputter. Your heart sits still in regions where your mind can only wander and speculate. At the same time, your heart, even when bedraggled, is the door that opens into the Abode of Heaven and Infinity from which all things come. The connection to all you seek is in your heart.

Infinity is like a pocket that you can reach into, yet there is no end to this pocket so you consciously do not reach the bottom of it, for, of course, it has no bottom so is not a pocket at all.

Ah, sweet mysteries of life and love and all the accompanying tones of the music that is played in a lifetime.

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Time is perhaps the most relative of all the relative in the world. Time trips you up. It confuses you. You are betwixt and between when it comes to time. Ah, Infinity is another story. You are always sitting still in Infinity, or We can say you are humming and dancing, as it were, to your own beat. In the arena of time, you shuffle along. In Infinity, you soar. What more is there to say?

Clocks are one thing. Sunrise and sunset are another.

There are horizons where sky and Earth meet, yet time is always coming and going. Time comes around the corner, and runs away at the same time. Time is an errant lover. Time is like ego seen from another angle. It pushes and pulls you, as if it were shooting bullets at your feet and making you dance. You try to catch up to time while you also try to escape it. Time leads you on, never fulfilling what it purports to fulfill.

I lift a curtain. Come under it, and Infinity captures your heart. You see where you have been sleeping. You see the imprint of your head on your pillow. No hurry in Infinity. There is nothing you have to do but be. Nothing you have to become, for, anyways, you are. Nowhere you have to go because all is here, not tucked away, but in plain view, a view that extends beyond sight and happenstance. Beyond the blue yonder and beyond beyond, flowers grow, and you rise in the light. No, not quite. You are risen in the light. You see, yet what is there to see and who is there to exclaim over it and whose voice can speak and what is there to say?

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Choose the Roses

Life is a like a tree with leaves. The angle from which you look at the leaves makes a difference. The way the sunlight falls on the leaves makes a difference. The time of day. The mood you’re in. Trees are multi-dimensioned.

When you climb a tree and look at each leaf with a microscope, you will have microscopic view of leaves. This is what you may often do with your personal life. It is not always to your advantage to view your life as intently as you do. It could make you nearsighted.

Life is to be lived, not examined under a microscope, nor is life to be pushed aside or swept under the carpet or overlooked altogether.

I hesitate to say that life doesn’t need an inspection at all. Insights can arise spontaneously. If I say you will do well to take a long view of life, you may interpret that as just taking a glance, or you may interpret a long view as holding on to the past.

Let the past go and enter the present. You don’t shuffle life along, nor do you race through it. Take the position that life is what it is and that it is also what you make of it. Don’t make too much of life. Well, don’t be in the position of not seeing the forest for the trees.

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In the Presence of Today

Today is put before you as a blessing. This is to be a bless-ed day. Feel sprightly, and you will make this day sprightly as well. There is fate, yes. At the same time, you are the maker of your fate in the Presence of Today.

How do you make it so you feel sprightly? By not feeling glum or fearful. What horse do you bet on to win the race? One that is pulling a plow or one without baggage to carry, one who rushes to what is ahead or one who keeps turning around to look back to see how far he has come? One who keeps questioning or one who moves right along?

You have no question about which horse you would bet on. No question at all. Yet, when it comes to life, you hem and haw. You say, “What shall I do? Think about yesterday or move on to today? Or should I think of tomorrow and run away from today as much as I possibly can? Maybe I should just quit anyway. Life has disappointed me too often. In the long run, nothing is going to change, or all change is out of my hands.”

You are the one who has to change. When you feel forlorn, you don’t have to pretend your forlornness away. You just have to put it to one side. If you can stop feeling forlorn altogether, great! If you can’t, just put forlornness somewhere where it will not trip you up. You do not have to cling to past thoughts. You have a million thoughts. Certainly you can put some thoughts aside and put fresh thoughts in their place.

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Jump Into Life with Both Feet

You already know that life is full of surprises, and you have a whole bunch of surprises coming up, surprises that will surprise, the kind of surprise that you like to have surprise you, the kind of surprise that will make you jump for joy and help you to know that that there is a God, a God Who loves you.

You will bump into someone you never expected to see again, or meet someone new you never expected you would. Something wonderful will occur. It could fall from the sky. It could be a thought you have. Whatever it may be, it will help you to start believing in love again and the love in your heart and that, perhaps, you are lovable and capable of loving and being loved as well. It’s time for you to hang your hopes on a star.

For a long time, you may have been someone who didn’t dare to get your hopes up. I am extolling you now to get your hopes up. Whatever you are seeking, look for it around every corner. Start looking up and welcome happiness, whatever form it takes for you, know that it has been sent to you on this occasion.

It is not really that you are getting a new lease on life. It’s that you start turning your thoughts in the right direction. I have heard you mumble such sacrilege as: “What I want will never happen. I am always disappointed. I never get what I want. I don’t even know anymore what would make me happy. I’ve given up on happiness. I will be happy enough just when trouble stays away from me.”

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This Vast Permeating Love

We lead a life of love together, you and I. Our purpose is to love, mainly to give love, yet what love is is not always understood nor grasped. The love I speak of is beyond grasp. In one sense, everything is love, from flirtation to fighting, from romance to death. All love has something to it. Unrequited love has some worth to it. First love or last love and death of love offer something. There is some worth or fun in love, short-lived or one-sided. This is love in the world.

The love I speak of is something else. Nothing makes a difference to it. It encircles regardless of anything. It upholds itself regardless of anything. The love I speak of is like the love I radiate, and radiate to you. Love is a form of grace.

The love of which I speak doesn’t have to be merited. No one has to be beautiful in order to have it. It is love that transcends. It is dependent upon nothing but itself. It is nothing you have to think about. It is like breathing. It does not have to be achieved. It is like your aura. It is simply there without any urging or expectation. I am the original Source of Love, and you are My Reflection of Love.

It is your birthright to enjoy this vast love, the receiving and the giving of it, one not dependent upon the other. There is no measuring or balancing the scales of love. There are no prerequisites for love.

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How to Become a Prince or a Princess

How can it be that a drop of rain in a limpid pool with lotuses is so heartrendingly beautiful? Or blue eyes? Or green or brown or hazel eyes? Or rosy cheeks?

If a limpid pool can be so beautiful, what on Earth makes you think you are not? Not only do many of My children believe they are not beautiful, they do not even believe that they ever could be beautiful.

When this is the case, and this is the majority of the cases, then My children look outside themselves for a sense of self-worth. And, thus, My children may become too obliging, too willing to win approval and acceptance from another. And so sometimes this is how My children go down paths they would not of themselves choose. With self-avowal, they would not.

When you do not think highly enough of yourself, you may do anything to gain even a semblance of love from anywhere it is offered. You think you need it. You think you have to have it. You think you cannot live without it. And so you sell yourself down the river. You give yourself a placebo of comfort and trade in the truth of your Beautiful Self. You may have felt relegated to being unloved anyway.

I almost said that you might sell your soul for even a tiny possibility of a little light. Thankfully, you cannot sell your soul. That is only an expression. You can’t trade your soul, and you can’t give it away. You can give away your own free will and believe in decisions made by others. You can give your present life away for the price of a song when you feel and accept that you don’t amount to anything anyway.

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The Wholeness of the Tree

What I love is you. This is to say that I love Myself. How could I not love Myself? I created you. I created the dear animals. It was easy to create you.

What about the foliage I created? Mountains and valleys. Dust bunnies. There is room on Earth for everyone and everything. I did not measure or record. I created the love of My life. There is not one inch of the Earth that I do not love. Deserts and wetlands. Forests and jungles. I put everyone and everything in the right place according to their requirements.

I don’t know that I thought of weather, yet how could a world be without clime and such?

Remember, I did not have to think creation through. I did not have to puzzle it out. All I had to do was to desire, and you appeared, My beloved. All are My beloved. That’s how it is. I desired you, and you appeared. And there is the world with everything in it and enough for all. I don’t have to call by name what I desire.

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The Leaves on the Trees Outside Your Window

Behoove is a versatile word. When I say that it behooves you to do something, I don’t mean obligation. I mean more like: It is a good idea to do this that I ask. It is to your advantage. It behooves you to be happy every single day.

If you cannot commit to being happy every single day, will you commit to finding one thing to be happy about every day? or one thing to relish? one thing worth looking at and sharing with others?

Worth sharing means something that will uplift you, anyone else, your environment and out into the glorious world.

Today perhaps you can share with someone how the leaves on the trees outside your window seem to hang in suspension, as if biding their time, or as if there is no time and no motion to ever occur in time. Perhaps time has fled and it is the suspension of time that hangs outside your window, and you are noticing it.

This is how I would describe this stillness that surrounds you at this moment. You might not be able to describe it this way, yet can you see it? Can you feel it? Today, time suspends itself for a few moments, and Stillness is yours. You are a part of it. Here you are, sitting in the Universe without gravity. For a moment you had insights into the workings of the world behind the scenes. You are right here in the making of life.

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Learning is Inevitable

When you judge, you condemn. This is the long and the short of it. Judging is exclusive. In judging, you exclude someone or even a whole group from your good graces. To whatever degree, you condemn others to be excluded from your heart. You set them aside and take them out of your good-heartedness. Objecting to their actions, you would eradicate them. You object to their existence and choose to put them out of your sight, and, therefore, to your mind, they no longer exist.

This is what I mean when I say that the faults you see in others are a projection of your own thoughts. If you cannot see your projection here, let’s look at it another way.

However you see another, you put yourself right beside him. You model yourself after him.


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