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Behold Yourself Like a Blazing Sunrise

I am honored to be God. Therefore, I am honored to be you. However you may appear, there is more to you than meets the eye. You are a precious child of Mine, made of Myself, and you are very precious to Me. In fact, I repeat in as many ways as I can think of to say that We are One. There is no separation here.

Then you wonder how it can be that I, if you are indeed I, wander from Myself as it certainly seems to happen in the world.

It is as if I pull the wool over My individual eyes. I, appearing as you, temporarily forget Who I Am. You forget Who You Are. I, God, the erstwhile God, do not dismiss you because of this. I do not oust you from My heart.

You begin to see how all this on Earth is much like a game, yet Who is fooling Whom? This thing with pronouns is that I can hardly keep them straight. You, I, in Truth are One. For the sake of clarity in this game, We say you, and We say I. We talk as if, as if We were two or more. We try to keep Our parts straight. It is muddling, isn’t it?

What is not true is confusing. And what is pure Truth may often be beyond your awareness and acceptance. Today you may feel like a miserable character whereas God has to be way far beyond misery. The Truth of you is that you are beyond misery, and yet, while you (really I) are on Earth, you are such a great actor that you fool yourself.

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All About Desires

At the same time as you have desires and deserve to have your desires fulfilled, you are not dependent upon your desires being fulfilled. Take note of this. Your desires do not have to be fulfilled. It’s A-OK to have desires unfulfilled. Certainly, you want your desires fulfilled, and you put your shoulder behind your desires. At the same time, everything in your life does not depend upon your desires being fulfilled. This is an idea you have had that has outlived its life span.

First of all, you don’t know when your desires will be fulfilled.

Secondly, you don’t know what may be the hidden desire within your desires. You have experienced how you wanted something with all your heart, and you got it and were disappointed. You have had the experience of a deep desire not being fulfilled no matter what. Later, with hindsight, you might see that fulfillment of a particular desire would not have brought you happiness.

And, yes, there are the unfilled desires that continue to fill your heart, and, if they could be fulfilled in the way you like, you are sure would only give you complete happiness. You could be right. On the other hand, no matter how much you might think so, the great happiness you have such faith in might not come along.

Again, I repeat with as clear a voice as I can, you do not need every great or little desire fulfilled in order for you to be happy.

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In the Process of Reading Heavenletters

Every Heavenletter is a beacon call to love. What else is there? In the process of reading and loving Heavenletters, you may find fame and fortune, yet fame and fortune are not what induce you to read Heavenletters. You may think you are seeking success. In that case, love itself is success -- love, not special love, just love on its own, the Beingness of Love.

Whatever you are thinking to gain or to give, your seeking may be wrapped or disguised in other terms. Nevertheless, it is love, pure and simple, that you are desirous of. What is money? Numbers, pieces of paper, tokens of sorts, and, oh, yes, an importance in the world equal to the size of your wallet. I am not opposed to money. There is certainly much love in making money and serving the common weal.

Yet love is something else. All love is directed to and from the Self, the One Self, the I of God from which you are not excepted.

Love is not a gushing well, nor is love forage for anything. Receiving love is a very good thing. Know you deserve it. Giving love is a very good thing. Know you have it to give. Unless you know you are full of love, you may be a hoarder of love and keep it hidden under your pillow. In terms of giving love, you may stint on giving it. You are stingy when you wait until you have more before you consider yourself worth enough to give.

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The Mule That Carries God’s Will

Out of reverence to Me, it’s natural to bow down. The reverence that you hold Me in increases your regard for yourself without calling attention to yourself. Humility does not erase you. It fills you. Humility is not inflating nor is it a little thing.

That you serve Me matters. How you serve is an open matter. Serve Me with gladness, and you are uplifted. Service is a choice you make. You are a volunteer in what has been called an Army for God, yet, of course, you are Peacemakers for God. Peace I give unto you. In the peace of choice, you simply do not evaluate your services on a scale.

Christ washed the feet of a beggar. Christ had and has no judgment to withhold. He does not rank the beggar low nor does Christ rank another high. Service is beyond rating. Judgment does not enter into it.

When you give service, you choose, yet, you choose not as a buyer at a fair looking for a good buy. No, you choose as the Heart of God. The Heart of God feels no superiority and feels no inferiority. Such thoughts are not at play.

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The Blue of the Sky and the Blue of the Ocean

Yes, I am the Big Love of Your Life. It is to Me that you seemingly bow down and give allegiance. I lead you to Me, and that’s how you want it. There is no one to give you away to Me. There is no hand for you to take but Mine. I give you My hand freely. There is no one else to bind us or to announce that We are One Singular One of Love.

As I tell you this, you look around to see Who spoke, and you see no one else in the room. Only you. You cannot pinpoint Me, yet you sense that I am in the room with you as My Very Self.

You cannot speak or see the logic and logistics of an unseen God. What logic is there in the Blue of the Sky or in the Blue of the Ocean? How did waves happen to come about? Of what importance are waves that just come and go? Of what importance are waves that wash the shore and leave shells for you to collect?

And yet everything is of the utmost importance because one thing is connected to every other, and everything swings around the world. Sometimes it feels to you that the world and your heart are the prey of vultures who swoop down. Yet, if you and I as One are the extent of the world, where can vultures and prey exist?

There is no world, yet it sure seems that there is a big world out there ready to take a swipe at seeming you and all the seeming others. And yet, beloveds, fear is only an idea.

“Is everything in the outer world just an idea?” you ask.

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Peace Is Like the Bed You Sleep On

A little peace and quiet is good. Desire peace, and have it. Peace belongs in life. Anxiety is no substitute for peace. Peace doesn’t have baggage, you understand. Peace is the absence of baggage.

Peace is its own self. Be in peace. Peace asks nothing of you but that you let go of all that is not peace. I am speaking of peace within where there is no jarring, no terror, no untoward thoughts that do not serve you. In peace, there is no upsetting the apple cart. Peace is the river that flows. It is the Ocean at low tide. In peace, there is no fomenting.

What else there is in peace is freedom. Peace doesn’t tie you up in knots. Peace is like the bed you lie on. Peace is just there, and it supports you well. Peace would never get a stranglehold on you. Peace insists on nothing but to be itself untrammeled.

Peace asks nothing of you. Peace is well-content. It needs nothing but your welcoming it. Peace belongs to you as the air you breathe belongs to you. Peace is free. It costs nothing. In fact, peace is letting go of cost and payment altogether.

Peace is with you. You may have to uncover it, however. You have to remove the slag that clings to peace. The slag consists of all the unnecessaries that would hide peace from your view.

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The Person in Front of You

When you are loved by the Creator of the Universe – and I most assuredly do love every which one of you – how then can you be anything less than gracious to everyone you meet? The only way you can be less than gracious is that you forget to be gracious. You forget that I have assigned you as the Welcomer of All in the Universe I created. This isn’t an assignment to take lightly. A Welcomer welcomes. That’s it.

The welcoming does not depend upon superficial impressions. It is not dependent upon your mood. It does not depend upon how much you have to do. It depends upon nothing but your willingness to act on My behalf.

And, so, you are to welcome everyone with good grace and without petulance or grievousness or impatience or haste. Whether you spend one minute or forty-five minutes, you pass on a gracious welcome. What good is a Welcome to the Universe without graciousness? It is no welcome at all.

Impatience isn’t welcoming. Trying to change someone’s ways isn’t welcoming. You are not to welcome anyone by suggesting they enter another door. This isn’t about the one you welcome welcoming you. You are the Welcomer.

You do not have to say Yes to everything, yet you are to be gracious. That’s how it is. Whether you welcome one or a million to the world, you are gracious. You communicate welcome and not correction.

If you think this is difficult to do, then think again and learn to make it easy.

I ask you to uplift everyone before you. If you cannot uplift, then, at the least, you are not to put down anyone I set before you.

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Representing Your Self

Every day I begin our talk with what I say. Today, I ask you, What do you say? What do you say about love and life? Hmm, what do you teach, and what do you proclaim? What do you offer the Universe, and what would you take away? What kind of an alchemist do you choose to be?

Enough complaints that you consider to be prayer. Now let Me hear what you are doing, how you put two and two together and draw a happy face. What are the ways in which you serve Me in the world? How you serve another is how you serve Me, so I am asking you how you serve life to others? What dust do you stir up? What are you thinking, what do you say, and what are you meaning to do?

Let Me ask you then without requiring an answer from you, what are you giving and how much? Perhaps you have been getting off free without giving. Maybe you consume more than you even think of giving, if you do think of giving at all. Perhaps you pick blackberries in the field and eat them all up as you go.

This is really your choice, and it’s not all bad. In fact, it’s okay! yet what would the world be like if you gave as much thought to sharing as you do to other matters? Consumption of worldly goods seems to be a topic in the world these days. Of course, you are far more than a consumer.

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A Pure Stream of Love

How beloved I, God, am.

I, God of My Beloved One, how loved and loving am I. I reach into your heart, and I warm your heart in My heart. I blow on your heart gently and then place your heart back as I would put a baby in its cradle. Your heart is at home with Me, and your heart feels treasured as it is meant to feel. Your heart is meant to recognize itself as a treasure, a kind of communication point between Heaven and Earth until, in your awareness, that there is no distance or difference between the two just as there is no real difference between your heart and Mine.

There has been a fine mix-up of Our hearts. Your heart is Mine. Mine is yours. The difference is in point of view. The difference is in vantage point. The heart is made of feelings, yes, and yet much more. Your heart is like an over-soul. The physicality is one thing. The essence and clarity of your heart are ever so much more.

Unclothed, unstraightened, your heart is a vast calling-card that you leave everywhere so that it is available to be picked up by everyone in passing. You do not keep your heart so much in reserve. You allow it to be observed, noticed, seen.

Your heart does not give a hard-sell, naturally. It is more that your heart is an offering. No one has to drown in your love. It isn’t exactly that you give your heart away free. Yes, you don’t charge for it, yet your heart is sacred and you know its full value. Your heart is not exactly a candy machine. Your heart is aware of its value to everyone, most especially its value to Me.

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The Light of Love Lighting Up

What does it mean? God of your Fathers? Father God? Or Mother God? Or simply God, or God of My Self, and God of the Highest?

I am near to you as a God Sense. There are five senses. There are things that make sense. There is nonsense, and there is a God Sense, God Awareness, Love, Love of God, and God of Love. There is One God, and, therefore, I am the Same God whether you see Me as Past and Future and/or Present. You like to see time as encompassing Eternity and All That Ever Is and noted in the form of Infinity. Yet, of course, there is no form, as Infinity is formless. I have no form. Love does not have form, and I am Love.

Love can be seen this way and that. There is maternal love, fatherly love, brotherly love, the love of a child, romantic love, the love eyes communicate. At the same time as love appears, it has no form. There is an essence of love and yet no form, yet the world has form. There is clay, and there is play-dough. There is day and night. There are images and colors and, yet, Nothingness is. Amidst the mix of Nothingness, stands or sits Everything. All Possibilities are. There is plain broth, and there is thick soup, and there is stew, and there is steam wafting and there is Beauty upon Beauty. There is Sunshine and Sunlight, and the Moon is a reflection of the Sun.


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