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Hello, Sunshine

Hark, the herald angels.

You are one of them. You most assuredly are. You are Earth Angels, every One.

You are not here on Earth for nothing. You are here for something, and something great. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise.

You are a Magnificent Being in a Magnificent World. You may never have thought so, yet you have always been. You have never been less. The world has mistaken itself and induced you to mistake yourself. Now it is time for this mistaken identity to be tossed aside and the True You brought to light.

That is an apt expression – brought to light. You Who are Light are having the Light dawn on you.

However poorly you have perceived yourself, your perception is now going to change. You are going to look at yourself in a new way. You have seen yourself and everyone else amiss.

Too many of My children have looked down on themselves. They have looked down on themselves or closed their eyes altogether and just listened to rumors and took them as gospel.

Listen to Me, and you listen to your Self.

There has been calumny in the world, and you have bought into it. Therefore, you have been off-track.

I am cleaning the lenses of your vision right now. I am clearing your hearing right now. Hear Me. You are valuable. You are essential to the well-being of the world. You are a Being. You are part of My plan for love to take over the running of the world. The world is not as you know it. The world is not its details. The world is not its misdemeanors. Nor are you your misdemeanors.

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You Are the Son of God Whom I Love

A sense of depression is a passing thing. No matter how deep it may seem, it is a passing thing. It’s a moment’s thought like any other passing thought. Thoughts jump around all over the place. A thought is just a thought. Why dwell on thoughts that do not serve you or the Universe?

You are not here on Earth for yourself. Of yourself, you make of yourself too small a field. You make of yourself too much effort. Don’t try so hard. Beloveds, just be. Just be, and what can the matter be? Dry up your self-persecution. Let go of improving yourself. Too often improving yourself turns into self-depreciation. You play a trick on yourself.

There is no outside you. You manufacture events, and you forget your Wholeness. You distract yourself from the Joy of Life. You focus on the past, or you focus on the future. So much self-attention on yourself. You tear yourself down and forget to build yourself back up.

Would you be so careless with a Child of God? Apparently so. You negate yourself. It isn’t that you have to build yourself up. You have to stop tearing yourself down.

Are you so sure you know better than I do? I do not find you wanting. You find yourself wanting. You beat yourself up. Forgo bearing false testimony against yourself.

You blame the world, and you blame Me. You blame life. You castigate life, and you castigate yourself. Cease putting yourself down. Come to your own rescue.

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Life Comes in Waves

Sweep the floor of your mind. Have no old crumbs sitting there. Sweep out the old. Your life is not be spent on crumbs from the past. Anything of the past is to be swept up and taken out. No matter how vital something from the past may seem to you, it is gone. It’s not worth it to calibrate it over and over again.

Troubles and woes are to be taken out. No matter how important they have been to you, they are out of date. Cross them off your list. Your greatest happiness from yesteryear can amount only to a recollection now.

There are many things in life to keep fresh. Repeated memories are not one of them. It is as if you have chained yourself to a wall, and you chant over and over again, Why? Release yourself from chains of the past. Holding on is a weakness. Holding on is certainly not a strength.

Let go. Let go is what today tells you. When you hold on to the past, the accumulation holds you back. Stay alive in what is called the present, this moment of now that also is slipping away as We speak. Even when you get into nostalgia of the past, you set limits upon yourself. Both the beauty of the past and the pain of the past are not to be held onto. Why? Because the past is the past. Now is not the past. It is not to your benefit to hang onto the past, either the sweet or the unsweet.

You do not wear the same clothes today that you used to wear. You wouldn’t think of it. You know that the clothes from yesteryear no longer fit. You don’t persist in trying them on and looking at yourself in the mirror.

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An Opening in Heaven

What makes you happy? Let Me count the ways.

A kind word spoken.

A smile.

Looking into someone’s eyes and seeing Mine.

Looking up into the sky and seeing an opening into Heaven.

Sunlight and moonlight.

Sunrise and sunset.

The gloaming.

A breeze.

Flowers coming up.

Leaves turning color.

Leaves falling.

A snowman.

A whiff of soup bubbling on the stove.

Eating the soup with buttered bread.

The sound of the word cockleshells.

A new dress.

New shoes.

A new anything.

A new thought.

A good book.

A child.

A good time.

Remembering someone.

Forgetting what is better forgotten.

A day off.

School called off for a snow day.

Swimming in a pond, a lake, or the Ocean.


Taking a bubble bath.

An old song.

A friend.

Helping someone.

Loving someone.

Having an idea.

A photo.

We are just beginning, aren’t We? We haven’t yet touched on texture. Walking barefoot. Squeezing mud between your toes. Walking on sand. Dancing on air.

Finding something.

Letting go of something.

Hearing a sweet voice.

Seeing someone you haven’t seen in a long time.

Gaining an insight.

A hand in yours.

What day is not a good day? It takes only your say-so.

Say so.

Have a great day.

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This Way to Miracles

There is no time, only a rippling instant of Infinity. Therefore, there are miracles, for miracles occur out of time as you know time and out of your range of known expectation. You are reluctant to let go of the past. Set your sights higher, and more miracles will appear to delight and dazzle you and restore the world into the model I created. Years of misuse and misunderstanding have dulled your perception of the Eden I made.

That you dwell on the past does not take away from the fact that miracles are a natural phenomenon, and miracles are abundant. They are daily events. Miracles pursue you. Allow them. Allow miracles to take over your life. Really and truly, do you believe that humdrum is more true than the miraculous? Be not satisfied with humdrum. Humdrum is old out-dated passé thinking. Think higher. Let go of lesser. If you want more in life, and, of course, you do, re-establish your world. Old outworn beliefs you hold often are not to your advantage. The beliefs the world holds often are not to your benefit. For Heaven’s sakes, let those decrepit old beliefs go!

The past is filled with ignorance. There is a reason I encourage you to move forward. You can’t go forward and backward at the same illusory time. The past is heavy baggage that entraps you. Just as your feet have grown, so must your thinking. If you want to get somewhere, it is helpful to have your mind get somewhere first. The past is not better than this minute in your hand.

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As Earth Rises

Come sit with Me every morning. We are so close, We cannot come closer. However, your awareness can come closer. Your awareness will come closer. You are still at a little distance from trust. In this world you live in, you are guarded, and it is not so easy to put your trust anywhere. And for those of you who have put your trust in Me, sometimes you still have some reservation.

Understandably, you do not have a guarantee that I will give you exactly what you want. The opposite may arrive. You may do everything just right, yet even doing everything just right doesn’t guarantee you what you want. So much in the world is ambivalent. Either/or, good/bad, this/that are not absolute. When you were born, you were not given a certificate of guarantee. You came with the disclaimer:

Anything can happen. A lot depends upon you and, yet, everything does not depend upon you. Life will outvote you. Life will pick you up without notice, and you may find yourself in a tree, blown by a strong wind. That anything can happen means that anything can happen. You also can be discovered at an ice cream shop by an agent in Hollywood and become a star. You can write a book. The book can be published or not published. On Earth, there is no telling what will happen.

You cannot always be assured what you yourself will do. You are also a surprise to yourself or a disappointment to yourself.

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The World Offers Enchantment

It is true. You are to follow your own heart. You are your own drummer. This is not to say that you are to necessarily follow all of your immediate impulses. You may want another ice cream sundae. This does not mean you have to say Yes to another ice cream sundae.

You may want with all your heart to have a new car. This doesn’t necessarily mean you are to buy one just now. Sometimes it isn’t a choice, or a good choice for you. It is not a bad thing when you cannot afford something. Not having the money helps you to discern and make decisions.

It is good for you to follow your dreams. Of course, all dreams aren’t about spending money. In the relative world, everything depends.

Common sense also has its place. Nor can it be said that common sense is to rule. Whose common sense is it? Yours or someone else’s? Results are not always the test. What you see as good results or unfortunate results may not tell the tale. Eventually, someone would have discovered the sought-after New World. If Christopher Columbus had initially listened to the advice of the world, it wouldn’t have been Christopher Columbus who discovered America.

It is not always so easy to know where your heart is leading you or whether it is truly your heart at all. Many a man and woman have fallen in love. Their hearts were certainly happy, and yet how many of these happy hearts married great happiness?

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Bright Eyes, You Are the Light of the World

Today I look into your eyes. Do you feel this when I remind you? I hold your head between My two hands, and I look lovingly into your two beaming eyes. Look into My eyes. You will see the great depths of your own. You will look into ocean-like pools of love, or you will look into the Dazzling Light of the Sun. There is a smooth-flow between Us. Whatever you may think or feel at a given moment, there is a lovely interchange between Us. You note Our engagement mainly when you have glanced away and then come back. You glimpse a contrast. You never left the light in My eyes. You have some awareness that it is impossible for eyes to look anywhere but into Mine, and Mine into yours. We are totally, thoroughly, continually, always, unceasingly looking into a treasure-trove of Our Love intermingled and reflected deep into each other’s eyes. There is nothing else to look at. We are all that exist.

As Our eyes are locked into each other’s, We gaze into Infinity and the Oneness of Love harbored within Us.

Another way to look at this is that anyone’s eyes you look into, you are looking into Mine. There is nowhere else to look.

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The Whole Truth

Life can be terrifying. You are so identified with your body. Here you go out into the world every day, and you have no armor. Anything could happen. You go out to face danger every day. Even your home isn’t a safe place when you put your mind to it. No place is safe. The sky can be falling. A germ could get you. What a long list of possibilities, no matter how remote, you carry as worry beads. What’s the point to worrying then?

Life is unpredictable. If you can’t predict your life to the minute, then you might as well relax. Worrying isn’t a preventive. Worry isn’t a chant that protects you. It makes your skin dry and gives you wrinkles. There are other possibilities to have your mind on.

So many possibilities are before you. Why limit yourself to the fearful possibilities? Why would you do that?

Have your good fortune in mind. It would indeed be good fortune if you would let go of worry. You may say it’s impossible for you to give up worry because of the realities of life on Earth. Doom in one form or another is what you see as the reality of life. Perhaps you see good fortune as an accident.

Blessings are also part of the realities of life. You don’t know what good fortune is waiting for you around the corner.

You could save a child’s life. You could receive unlimited money.

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The Eye of the Storm

When you feel rough, irritated, angry, take a time out. Cause no damage, not to anyone, and that includes no damage to your own heart. Hearts are precious. Hearts need to be spared any kind of assault.

Do you confess that when you are angry, you inflame or even assault your own God-given heart? If you feel devastated, what state is your heart in? Frazzled? Please take better care of your heart. Have regard for all hearts, not the least of which is your own.

Storms pass. Wait until a storm within you passes. You do not want to wreak havoc on other hearts. Please come to terms with your own heart. Make sure it is comfortable. This is a good saying: “To your own heart be true.” Only this saying may not be fully understood.

This saying doesn’t mean to express your heart at any expense. Being true to yourself does not mean to vent yourself. We can truthfully say that when you feel anger, you are not being true to yourself. Why then would you feel justified in expressing a tone that doesn’t belong to your beautiful heart? Anger is an intruder. It is imprudent to express volatile anger to any other.

Am I saying to inhibit your heart? I am saying to wait to express the storm when you are no longer in the eye of the storm. Wait until it passes. Wait until the anger settles down. Then you will spare the world grief.

Anger is not your true nature by any means.


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