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Rise to the Occasion

The opposites in the world have you by the scruff of the neck. The world may say:

“Be strong, yet be flexible. Have a heart, yet use your head. Be compassionate, yet don’t overdo it. Don’t be a spendthrift, and don’t pinch pennies. Work hard, yet not too hard. Are you courageous to take a stand, or are you holding on too tight? For Heaven’s sakes, when is it worthy to hold on, and when does it make sense to let go? When do you wait, and when do you act? Strike when the iron is hot, and haste makes waste. Take your choice.”

What is a body to do?

You tell yourself that all you want is a little clarity in life. You are called on to make decisions of all kinds and sizes, and there is a fifty/fifty chance that you’re mistaken. There could also be a 99.9% chance that you are right, think of that. Yet, here you are in a quandary. Who even knows that which you call right is really right or will continue to live out its day as right? There is no knowing. There is no knowing for sure, even when you think you’re sure. You live in a boat that is easy to tip over.

Beloveds, you want change, and you want stability too. You want to pick and choose what changes and what stays the same. You don’t want to upset the applecart. Life is the applecart. It upsets you.

One way or the other, life isn’t going to stay the same. You live with this every day.

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You Are Courting Life

You are the Wonder of the World. Now I have said it. Look how far you have come! Aren’t you eons ahead from where you used to be?

You perhaps used to be selfish, and now you aren’t so much. Once upon a time, you knew so little, and now you know more, much more. You have doubled, tripled, quadrupled, and so forth, your growth. You are miles ahead. Confess, isn’t this true? You are a changed person. I will go so far as to say that you are a new person. Once you didn’t know anything that you know now, and now you know a lot. Once you knew nothing, and now you know something.

Do you have a ways to go? Most certainly, and you are getting here. Right and left, hand over fist, you are getting here, beloveds. You are way ahead of where you used to be. You are just beginning to catch up to yourself, up to realizing yourself for who you really and are meant to be. You never were the dolt you saw yourself to be, nor were you ever meant to lag behind or drag your feet. You do realize, don’t you, that you are meant to be – yes, I will say it -- wondrous.

You are just fine now in My book. There is a lot to like about you. I like it all. So like it. Like yourself. I am very glad to make your acquaintance. I more than like you. I love you. However, I will be happy if you begin by liking yourself instead of berating yourself for all your misdemeanors.

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Infinite Eternal Friend Embraces You

Indeed, come close to Me. Through Our closeness, you will know me as One Who blesses and comforts and sees, loves and loves well. I am Creator and Infinite Eternal Friend Who embraces you.

When you look at life and the world without Me nearby, what you look at may seem stark. Look with Me beside you, and you see warmer hues and softer edges. Life in the world tends to have rougher edges when you try to go it alone, catch as catch can, running on the surface, having no sense of ballast.

There is a tendency to feel that you are in the wilderness and you may experience the world no kinder than a caveman’s world, a question of survival in the face of anything that could happen, on the watch-out at every moment. Know that I am looking after you, and I looked after the lives of cavemen and I have always looked after you. No matter what the world looks like, there is sunshine and a sun that shines its light.

I am never absent. Let Me make that clear. In the darkest of dark nights, I am with you. What We are speaking of is your awareness. Awareness of Me is better than non-awareness of Me. Remember, it isn’t that I am casting for your votes and I want to be popular for My own gain. I am looking out for you and that you have ease in your life in the world.

Being close to Me or far away is something like the difference between sitting on a chair without a back or sitting on a chair with comfortable back support you can lean on. In both cases, you are sitting. One chair supports you more. You like to sit back and have that support.

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Believe as You Believe, and Allow Others the Same

Everyone is his or her own authority. You are your own authority. This does not mean that you are an authority over what other people do or say or think. Even as what you perceive may be right on the money for yourself at any given moment, tomorrow you may change your mind, or, if you do not change it, somehow life may change your mind. One day, even about something as little as a dish detergent, you are certain this one is the best of all. In another month, you may declare another detergent is best of all. When We get down to it, who are you to tell others what thoughts of yours they ought to have?

When it comes to Me, hold back on making absolute statements. Say whatever you like to yourself, to others you don’t want to assert yourself so much. If you are certain of something concerning Me, it doesn’t have to be so important to you that others know the inside story as you do. You are not a hawker. Even if you are absolutely correct – and you may or may not be – it is not for you to declare that your discoveries are essential for everyone else to know and believe in. Your discoveries are your discoveries.

No one has to flaunt his expertise. You don’t have to assert what you believe as if you have the total answer. You don’t have to mount your soap-box. Living your Truth is one thing. Refrain from the idea that the last word belongs to you. Even if you know more than anyone else, still, beloveds, you don’t know everything.

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Deep Within Your Heart of Gold

In your heart I abide. I am always right here within your beating heart. You can always find Me here, for, deep within your heart of gold am I.

I am not isolated on top of a mountain. Where I am, are you. We can put it differently and say that wherever you are, am I. It makes no difference how We say it. We do not exist without the other, the so-called other, the so-called other who stands across from Us or above or under the threshold of Our hearts. One heart beats. Is it yours or Mine? Who can tell? You can never figure it out because there is no really separate heart beating in the wilderness somewhere.

If wilderness means without God, then, there is no wilderness. If wilderness means without you, that, also, is not possible. It is not possible, yet the world has perceived it this way. You have been perceived as you alone, you all alone. I am not hidden. From My heart, you are never missing. So what is this hullabaloo? I, God, am never away from you, and you cannot be away from Me except in your awareness. Well, then, get a new awareness.

I look into your eyes, and I see a reflection of Myself. Look into My eyes, and you will see a reflection of your Self. You need look no further. This is it. There is no solitary. There is no aloneness. It is a myth that perpetuates a search for Me when I am already stationed in your heart. Look no further. I am your Innermost Being. I never left your heart, nor yours Mine, the One Heart.

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Boundaries and Freedom

You are letting loose of boundaries. Little by little, you are. It isn’t that boundaries own you, beloveds. It is that you hold on to the boundaries. It is you who own the boundaries, and it is you who keep them and keep freedom away. There is a certain ease in going along with the crowd and going along what is called mainstream for however long it lasts before mainstream changes.

How frightening is the world to you without boundaries, without rules and restrictions and some kind of imagined order. You believe with all your heart that you want to be free of infringement, yet, at the same time, you fear life without bounds. You fear you might go too deeply into the middle of the sea if there were no rope to keep you close to shore. You don’t want all those leashes to hamper you. At the same time, you don’t want to be absolutely without them. You like to protest boundaries, yet, they comfort you. At the very least, boundaries give you something to tug against or to rail against. They are very real to you, these boundaries, the idea that you can go here and not there, or only this far, and not farther. You may want to come off the assembly line, and yet you may not want to diverge from it very much or at all.

What if you are really responsible for your own life, and there isn’t anything to keep you in tow? It’s possible that you like being a rebel for the sake of it yet not in actuality.

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Universality and Uniqueness

Of all the possibilities you could be, you are you! I create well. Even as all are One, I created you as unique in the circle called Earth. No two are alike. All are One, yet no two are alike. Even so, all are One. Of Oneness you are made.

Let Us speak of your uniqueness now. You are uniqueness I created. I, God, created you unlike any other in the world. Of all who are on Earth now, and regardless of Oneness, you are the only one just like you. Of all who have ever been on Earth and all who will ever be on Earth, you are the only treasure that is just like you. Oneness is Oneness, of course, yet this semblance of you is unique and unheard of before. Viva Oneness, and viva the uniqueness of you.

How is it possible that you appear as no one else before or after you! Of course, I am a Creator of Miracles. How do I do it? So many individuals, and no two exactly alike and, still, just the same, Oneness! I desire, and what I desire comes to pass as if all at once. It could be said that you were created long before you appeared on Earth at this juncture of time and space.

Just as time and space are not real, so are you, in your uniqueness, not really real. Oneness is real. And yet you exist in this realm of the relative world that appears to be so solid and permanent when it is not.

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Fine and Dandy

How are you today? Why not be fine and dandy! Are you not alive and living in the world? Truly, life on Earth doesn’t have to be a hardship. Will there be storms? Yes, there are storms, and you ride out the storms. You always weather what life brings. When you are in a tunnel, there is always an end to it. When you have blinders on, you can take them off, or they will come off by themselves or they are torn off. Life changes.

When you are wounded, do you not heal?

Life on Earth is not always a piece of cake. True enough. Regardless, you can be fine and dandy. The thing is that you are fine and dandy. The last time I looked, you are doing fine even as you may not see the forest for the trees, even as you may see only so far as you can see.

You have been told to live in the present, in this very moment. In this very moment, you are okay. You get into trouble when you look to the past and when you look to the future. You can’t live in the past, and you can’t live in the future. Any time you spend in the past, there is memory, and you feel either longing or you feel regret. Life moves fast, and you are to move with it.

Living in the future is either longing or fear and doubt. By golly, you have to let go of the past. Desire the future. Look forward to it. Don’t worry about it as you often do, all the what if’s. Desire what you desire and not hold on to it so tight. Do not add worry of the future to your life. The future will come to you as it comes. Be open.

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God on Earth

How big can a heart be? A heart can encompass all the Earth and Heaven. If thoughts reach far and beyond, what can hearts do? What do hearts do? They reach everywhere and into every other heart on Earth. Can this be documented, measured and counted and a chart made of it? You don’t know how, and We don’t need charts and such. I need no proof. I see. I know.

You might say that I get this intuitively. You must know by now that I don’t have to get on My knees with a ruler or measuring tape and measure anything. I know all. I know your face and your heart. Being is simple for Me, just as Creation Itself was and is simple for Me. Oneness is very simple. It is the Ultimate Simple. Simple is good. I will say it is better than complicated. I have Free Will, and it is My Will that life be simple.

You make a huge investment in this lifetime. Huge. I invest, to use your word, All of Myself yet I, God, love wholly and am not attached. Do you think I weep when an individual body drops off and the Living Soul rises to Heaven? That I am not sad does not make me hard-hearted or cold-hearted. I welcome the beautiful soul who is also in no way bereft. I am not attached to Life on Earth whereas you are attached. Understandably, you are attached.

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(nl) Assez

Pour ceux d'entre vous qui ne semble jamais suffisamment reposés, bien que vous ayez tout essayé, eh bien, tant pis ne vous en préoccupez plus. Buvez votre thé vert, pincez-vous, soyez éveillé et conservez à l’esprit que vous êtes suffisamment reposés. Ne répétez plus: "Oh, je suis si fatigué. Je ne dors pas assez, etc. "

Utilisez de meilleures suggestions.

Le repos et l'appétit ne doivent pas devenir une obsession. Vous pouvez manger et continuer de le faire même quand vous en avez déjà assez. Et vous pouvez avoir une grande envie de sommeil de la même façon. Considérez le besoin de sommeil comme celui de l'appétit. Vous savez très bien que si vous apprenez que vous venez de gagner une grande somme d’argent à loterie, vous serez tout à fait alerte et totalement dispos!
Ce que vous entretenez comme pensée est très important. Ne vous transformez pas en insomniaque. Vous n’avez rien à y gagner.

Vous êtes bien conscient du fait que Je veux que vous ayez suffisamment de temps de sommeil. Mais il est possible que vous ne sachiez pas vraiment ce qui est suffisant pour vous continuellement. De toute façon, vous ne devez pas vous convaincre que vous manquez de quoi que ce soit. Vous avez toutes les ressources en vous pour être bien…tellement bien. Proclamez-le. Affirmez-le. Démontrez que vous êtes bien, que vous êtes au-dessus de tout, même si selon la croyance du monde on pourrait dire que vous manquez de sommeil.


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