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Running a Race with Time

What can be so urgent when there is Infinity, the Infinity of Timelessness? Inasmuch as time does not exist, why must My children be Time’s prisoner? Must you run yourself ragged trying to appease time, at your expense of course?

Here’s the thing, beloveds. You will never catch up with time. If you do reach its shadow this second, time has already moved on and now it eludes you once again.

In other areas of life, you are capable of changing your tune. If you are up at bat, you care very much to make a home run, yet if you don’t today, there is the possibility that you will hit a home run tomorrow. Making a home run is all in its good time, in this so-called time.

Yet in life, when you have a deadline, you are frantic unless you make it. It is as if you have failed, and you are sure that a calamity will result. You can deeply desire a home run. You care very much. And yet you don’t have to have the looming panic that not meeting a deadline foments in you. What terror exactly do you feel is ready to catch you because you missed an appointment or whatever it is that puts you into a tizzy as if your very life depended upon it. Clocks seem to beat you up, and every time you offer time your chin as if you were an obedient slave to time.

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Give up. Concede. Admit it. You Are love.

Love was not born. Love always was before and after Creation as you know it. There did not have to be an Other in order for love to be.

Love runs on its own steam. Love is unconquerable. It is beyond compare. It is not really that love is like this or like that. Love is endless. Most importantly, love IS. And I AM, and you ARE. Existence is. There is no existence without love. Love wins the day. Love IS the day. Love is love is love is love, and this is the whole story.

And you are love and nothing but love. An atom is love. Love joins all hearts. There is not one heart that is not connected. All hearts are One. In the fiction of friction, you may think otherwise. If you think otherwise, you are looking at only the surface, the painted on, the cover-up, the disguise. You can only be in a guise of non-love because non-love does not exist. There is no place where non-love lives. Long live love. It is all, and it is Infinite, and love is here, and love is now.

It may seem that you can curtail love. It may seem that your heart has been cut in two or into many pieces. Your heart may seem shredded, yet that is only an image, a false image.

Have no Gods before Me is speaking of love. Do not put a sword before Me, for what am I? I am love. I am love nonpareil. And so are you. Whatever you may think, so are you.

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The Hand of God Is Love

As ye sow, so shall ye reap has many layers of understanding. At first glance, it seems to mean that you get what you give.

At the same time, I affirm again and again that there is no time; therefore, there is no cause and effect. How can there be in Eternity?

Of course, in Earth reality, if you cut yourself, you bleed. If you trip, you fall. If you smile, odds are that someone will smile back at you. What a nice custom this is.

In Reality, in Heaven time, named Infinity, there is no sequence. There is energy yet not action. The energy is love. What can follow love? What can stand next to it?

Certainly, your thoughts create, yet it is not quite so stark as night following day. You could think a kind act, you could, indeed, be kind, and be slapped. You could commit a crime and be rewarded. Infinity is not finite.

All possibilities exist on Earth, and this is one of the aspects of light that makes life so interesting and which also makes life daunting.

We can say that committing a kind act is its own reward. That is it. We can say that committing a crime is its own punishment, even when someone seemingly gets away with it. We can also say that it doesn’t matter in the end. We can also say it matters very much, for life is at stake, and life is a great gift.

Can We say that as you reap, you sow? This possibility exists yet is not always. Contrary are the ways of the world.

Nothing is a sure bet as seen from the eyes of the world.

There is more to the world than meets the eye.

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The Squeaky Wheel

Rise above the daily inconveniences. Inconveniences are only inconveniences. Annoyances are only annoyances. Frustration is only frustration. Who says that everything has to be smooth for you at every moment? You are not to give a high rating to the little matters that you let become big. Save yourself from daily frustration. Annoyances happen. You are the one who rates them as frustration. You are the one who says how momentous they are.

Most inconveniences will resolve themselves one way or another, or you resolve them. There are remedies. You have an important deadline, and your computer doesn’t cooperate. It is not the end of the world, although it may too often seem like that to you.

Tell Me, dear ones, when your computer connection starts to work just fine again, is your happiness quotient as big as your unhappiness quotient was? Probably not. Your jumping for joy doesn’t begin to jump to the height your frustration did. Is this not so?

Have you convinced yourself that the negative aspects of life are more noteworthy than the positive aspects of life? What would you do that for? It would appear that frustration makes the grade while smooth-running is just so-so and taken for granted. A thorn in your side seems to merit far more attention. It is as if you are under the spell of thorns.

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From a Common-Sense God

Remind yourself that the Sun is always shining. The Sun may not be right before you this minute, yet it is surely coming around. You are always to be Sunlight. This is Truth. You are always to be sunlight regardless of anything else.

You are on Earth for such a short time. Make hay while the Sun shines. You are the Sunshine. You are to brighten lives. You are to brighten your life.

I do not ask you to force anything. I ask you to look up and consider your place in the sun. You are not meant to be in the doldrums. If you cannot in all honesty be for yourself, then be for others. It is simply a good idea to be uplifting rather than fatalistic. Well, isn’t it? What is the good of propounding and circulating all that which is down-turning? Where does it get you, and what does it do for anyone else?

Your piece of the pie of the world may be difficult for you right now, yet you don’t have to make your presence difficult for others. Is it dishonest to smile through tears? While you’re here on Earth, isn’t it all right to get out of yourself and bless others with your presence? Frankly, an unhappy face is not an honest representation of your Truth. You must know that you are greater than what you may feel at any given moment. Of course, you can mope, yet to what end? Perhaps you feel you have every right to complain and that you deserve to complain. I am saying you deserve better than complaining, and so do the people around you.

Is it agreed that you are here on Earth for more than yourself?

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The Time Is Now

There are matters in life that require your waiting for them. You have to wait for Christmas. It is an appointed day. You have to wait for your anniversary. You have to wait for the stars to come out, you have to wait until the sun dawns. When you were a child, you had to wait to grow up. You have to wait for a train to leave, a boat to dock, a ship to come in, a flight to take off.

There are other occasions in life where you don’t wait. To say hello to a friend -- don’t wait. Say hello right then. To make a friend, don’t wait. Don’t wait for a better time. When you have an opportunity to connect with someone, whatever the occasion, connect with the person. Some matters are not to be put off for a better time. There is no better time than now.

This is my message for you today: Do it now, not later. Make something happen. Find out.

If you want to say you’re sorry to someone, now is the time. If you want to make a sale, the time is now. If you want to connect hearts, now. Consider that you have an appointment. Be there. Don’t delay. When you delay, you have wasted a chance. Now is the time to plant corn. Now is the time to pick corn. Now is the time to cook corn.

As with a choir, there is a right time to come in and sing. The chorus comes in now. This is the time the chorus sweeps in. This is the cue, and here is the chorus.

So in life, you want to enter at the right time. No better time than the present.

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Creating Miracles

You don’t have to be in awe of Me. Does that sound immodest of Me? I note that awe is something you hold Me in, and that makes Me seem far away when We are actually the closest of all. If you must put Me on a pedestal, note that I am the God within. You can have the idea of Me as far far away from you as you like, yet that is only an idea.

Sometimes you have another idea, and that is to dismiss Me as not being of much use to you anyway. There is that, too. You may feel I’m all powerful which is true, yet set Me up in an altar of the sky, or you may see Me as a sort of fake, not powerful at all when, like you, I AM powerful. Because I may not do your bidding, you may put Me aside, even as, somewhere deep inside you, you know better. I simply AM. I AM God. I AM Almighty. And All I AM, ARE you, only you have not dipped into your Self very much. You may have set your Self aside as well.

Look, you have been creating miracles right along, only many of them have been unwanted, perhaps arising from faithless feelings of yours. You may have been betting on the wrong horse. You have also held fear in awe and bowed down to it and supported it. Not in everything, mind you, not every time, yet too much too often. Let go of your allegiance to fear, and much of your life will change before your eyes.

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There is No Once Upon a Time

You hunger for many things. You hunger for the past, and you hunger for the future. Yet, it is only the present that you can imbibe. The present isn’t to skip over or to just get through. Immerse in the present as you would immerse yourself in the Ocean, and you will desire yet not hunger, and your way will be lighted. You will be in sync with the present, in tandem with it. You and the present will be of one accord.

Lot’s wife turned to salt because she looked back.

There is a lot to be said about keeping up with Infinity, beloveds, and Infinity is right now. When you are truly in the present moment, you are walking in Infinity. The present is Infinity. You evolve in Infinity. Your nature is to be Infinite. There are no labels in Infinity. There are no stops or pauses. This one moment is Infinite. Time, the illusion, may march on, yet the Vastness of Infinity is more like waves. There is no explaining Infinity really, in the same way who can describe the flavor of chocolate? It has to be tasted.

Now, as you are in Infinity, you measure it. That’s just it. Infinity cannot be broken in pieces. That means Infinity can’t be measured. Measuring is like cutting Infinity up, putting nicks in a piece of wood and naming it a ruler. Time rules the world all right. Infinite Oneness does not allow for time, only allows Infinite Infinity. Oneness is what you experience with good friends that you really relax with and have a good time and forget your sense of time. Well, Infinity is like Is-ness, like pure Being, hard to explain as I said.

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The Dancer of the Universe

Sing a song for Me. It can only be a happy song. None of these slow-moving lofty songs for Me. Give Me something hearty and spirited. Not a moody piece, well, unless it’s a happy mood. Let’s get some rhythm going here. Let’s make it a knee-slapping song, one you want to get up and dance to! Enough somber serious music. Let’s have some élan! Something that will wake everyone up. Let’s have happy day music, some get out of bed music. Let this music accompany your day without a chance that you can get it out of your system. Let’s get a beat and unusual musical instruments and instrumentation. Give Me something you’ve never given Me before.

I am not a stiff-backed God. I am not always so serious as I’m made out to be. I’m a fun-loving kind of God. Not exactly a straw-hat guy who does a tap dance, no, not that, yet, nor am I a slow pokey kind of dance God, nor do I do wild acrobatic tricks, though I could, I could. I could dance My dance on and off-stage. I would be an unforgettable dancer.

If I were a boat, I would be a sailboat who sails through life. I suppose I might be thought of as a steamship or luxury liner. I might like to be a ferry boat or even an ark. A canoe sounds good to Me too.

If I were a car, I would be a humble sort of car. No Lamborghinis for Me.

If I were a TV, I would be a round one that could be seen from wherever you happen to be.

If I were a book, you would find some good laughs in it. The book of Me would be a page-turner and My pages well-thumbed.

Well, what would I not be?

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There Are Treats Ahead of You

Whatever is bothering you, you do not have to be bothered with it. You are a responsible person, yet you do not have to aggravate or even suffer to the degree you have. Did someone tell you that you have to? Perhaps you were taught that you were to pay a penance for being alive, and the penance was to be called suffering or a bad headache, or non-stop aggravating thoughts, or dreams unfulfilled.

You just don’t have to do suffering anymore. You may think you have no choice, yet you do have choice. It’s your choice. In this world, choices are not always either/or as you may have thought. You may have thought that your choice is this one or that one, that your choices are limited to two. There could be many other choices as well that you have not considered and perhaps may not want to consider. You may see only the two black and white choices and go no further. You see happy or unhappy and no in between. Maybe you can be like a dial and be medium happy.

Maybe you like to suffer. If you suffer and you really don’t have to, then it must be a choice you make. You may be innocent, and still you have choice. If you want a way out of a maze, you have to find it. You do. You have to go for it. Maybe you have to be creative and think anew.

There are possibilities right in front of you that sometimes you don’t see. Perhaps you can think of such times and wonder how you didn’t think of this new alternative before?


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