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To those of you who do not seem to get enough rest, and you’ve tried everything, well, then, never mind about it. Drink your green tea, pinch yourself, be awake and have the idea that you are getting enough rest. No longer say: “Oh, I’m so tired. I don’t get enough sleep, etc.”

Give yourself some better propaganda.

Rest and appetite are not all they are cracked up to be. You can eat and eat when you have already had enough. You can crave sleep in the same way. Consider need for sleep as an appetite. You know very well that if you found out you won a big lottery today, you would be quite alert and wide wide awake!

What you tell yourself is important. Don’t turn yourself into an insomniac. Nothing is for you to make a big deal of.

You are well aware that I am all for your getting enough sleep. It is possible that you don’t really know what is enough for you at any given time. In any case, you don’t want to convince yourself that you are lacking anything. You have the resources within you to be fine. So be fine. Declare it. Own it. Let yourself know that you are doing well and rising above everything, even what the world might call not enough sleep.

Figures are arbitrary. They mean what you say they mean. With or without sleep, you are doing well. Remind yourself that you are not your body. You are ever so much more.

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Being True to Yourself

I love you. End of story. That’s it. That’s all you have to know. This is enough to make you a knight who rides through life the way a fish swims through water.

With My love increasing in your eyes, what can hold you back? What can stop you or delay you? With My love strongly supporting you, what is there you cannot do? What is not a blessing no matter what it may look like to you or to others? Who is not your brother? Who is there that your heart cannot send blessings to? Who is there that you cannot give a moment of love to or share a moment of love with?

What comes before love, dear ones? Anything?

Please do not misunderstand Me. I am not advocating that you be on a Love Campaign or Love Parade. Quietly go about your day and allow love to usher from you. You don’t have to say a word about it. Just let love come forth from you as you live your life. You are not making love a project. You are simply being without resistance to giving love while you are at it.

There is nothing hard about it. You think there is. If love is too hard for you to put your arms around, then simply think in terms of friendliness or courtesy or even grace. Be not a withholder of love. Love from you could be looking straight into someone’s eyes.

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Kidnapped by Life

Who knows what the Truth of Life as lived in the world is about? Perhaps the best you can do at present is to flirt with life. You have not as yet come to the realization of life. You have guesses. In many cases, you run away from life. You are at a stand-off with it. You go your way, and life goes its way, and sometimes it seems that never the twain shall meet.

You have your ideas, and life has its ideas. At best, you are at a truce with life at the same time as you don’t trust it. You are wary of life, as if life is out to get you, set you back, have a sneak attack on you and take something precious away from you.

You may feel you hold on to life by a thread. You don’t know what traps life may have set for you. You simply do not know what will befall in life. You may be short of breath because you gasp at life and are concerned at what it has in store for you. You may even see life as an enemy ready to pull the carpet from under you. Life seems to work fast, a mile a minute.

In Truth, life holds you up. Yes, life takes you with it. It doesn’t give you a map. You are kidnapped by life, as it were. You are minding your own business, and life sweeps you up as the wind might sweep leaves, and leaves you somewhere else in a sudden new place or role in life. A tornado picks you up and throws you somewhere else.

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Joseph’s Good Fortune

For those of My children who struggle, can you not do as you do without the struggling part? What is struggle? It is trying too hard. Do as you do and release trying so hard, and you will not be struggling.

Of course, there is struggling and struggling just the way there is trouble and trouble. A broken fingernail can be trouble. Not getting a good mark on a test can be trouble. Having a car accident is another breed of trouble.

How related is trouble to worrying? You decide something is trouble, and perhaps you add an overtone of stormy weather. The world does not turn dark because you are anxious, yet you see it that way.

You live in what is called the relative world, and relative means that everything is by comparison. What if you didn’t compare? Then, worry would leave, trouble would not claim ownership. If you could know ahead of time that all that occurs doesn’t really matter, that what occurs occurs, what doesn’t occur doesn’t occur, and that all is well regardless of anything in the world of up’s and down’s. In that case, what would you identify as trouble and struggle? What would you refuse to admit to the entrance of your life when it has already barged in? What would you kick away?

What would you dismiss when you do not as yet know where it is taking you?

In one sense, there are no accidents. Then, if that is the case, everything is predetermined. In another sense, even that which seems to be predetermined can be your Free Will. It is not so easy to call the shots.

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If God Gives a Mandatory Commandment…

In the world, there are the directions of north, south, east, west and all the subdivisions in between. Depending upon where you stand, you see a different view. The sun is in a different place, and you see from one angle. And this is how life appears to you dependent upon where you stand. Where you stand, your eyes see from and your ears hear from. Seen from the east, you have one view. Stand on your head, you have another view. Stand from any of the directions, you have a different view. We could say you are biased, based on the view you see from. Turn around, and you see differently, perhaps even oppositely. Don’t make up your mind and hold fast to it. Be open-minded. Where did you get the idea that you are to hold fast to what you already know and is now behind you?

When you stand in a mud puddle, you may feel uncomfortable. When you stand in the Ocean, you are exhilarated and want more. When you stand in the Ocean of True Life, Life Deep in Truth with Me, God, you are in Infinity. You do not age. There is much less wear and tear on you. In any case, from My vantage, aging is a lovely thing. Aging pins medals on you. You continue to climb a mountain to the top. You keep climbing.

In so many ways, I tell you that life in the world is not marked in stone. Nor is your view closed shut. Your opinions are not absolutes. Even as you hold your opinions tightly in your fist, they fade, they change, they grow. Renovate your opinions.

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Imagine a Great Being Unaware of His Greatness

In Oneness, We are. We are never separated, and you are never alone. In ignorance, however, so fraught with fear and other sundries, you may feel and think you are alone on Planet Earth, as if stranded here on a deserted island. Here you are, a Great Being unaware of your Greatness.

This sense of loneliness applies to the Big Timers and the two-bit Timers. It applies to those seen as the Highest in the Land and to those who are seen as the Lowest of the Low. This applies to those people you have difficulty seeing as even human because of their disparate views of the world and their actions in it. There are those whose perceived light may be dim, yet they are still made of light. Somehow, beloveds, understanding or believing this or not, it is for you to shine your Lighted Love on all.

Those who seem so apart from you may well need your love the most of all. If you do not like their deeds or thoughts, then show them your good deeds and thoughts.

What does it cost you to love even the unlovable?

Perhaps you can consider perceived bad guys as wild beasts who have lived in a jungle all their lives and do not know what domestication is. Perhaps you were born in a settled place where you did not see a need to act so roughly and without feeling.

Do you blame a tiger for being a ferocious tiger ready to bite you any more than you blame a playful puppy for running up to you? Yet even playful puppies have been mercilessly trained to fight.

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Whirling Atoms

Everything in the world is how you see it. The world you live in depends upon how you see it. In one sense, there is no world out there. There is only the world within, the world that is comprised of ideas based on perception and misperception.
Yet, it would seem that there is common agreement that the world is this way, not that. There is changing weather also commonly agreed upon. The world changes, even as there are maps of the world. And everyone breathes air. And, yet, I say it again, here, in the world that you walk on, even with total agreement from all, what you see is illusion. It looks real, yet it is not. In the world, the carpet can be pulled out from under you. Truth is stable and doesn’t switch around. No carpets in Truth. Truth is truly solid ground yet not solid at all according to your view. The unseen foundation is solid, beloveds, in the sense of Truth and staying invincible.
Everyone sees a table or a countertop. You can put things on it, and the table and countertop support what you put on top of them. You can depend on surfaces to do what they are expected to do. Countertops can bear heavy pots. Tables don’t fall down nor do heavy pots and pans fall through a countertop. Nevertheless, science says that the solid-seeming table is made of whirling atoms, and that you are also made of whirling atoms, is that not so? This is also accepted, and yet everyone still leans his elbows on a table.

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This Is How It Is

Look into My eyes, and you look into a reflection of Myself. It is a moot question as to Who is looking into Whose eyes? Whose eyes are reflected?
I am saying that We are One. Who is who and which is which is a circle that goes round and round. We can call it a dilemma. We can it an insoluble puzzle, yet what difference does an explanation make? Let’s just accept that We are One, one soluble solid Oneness. We cannot be separated. Even as I speak of We, no matter how fragile a Human Being as you may see yourself, I am you, and you are I.
This how it is. This is how it’s always been.
So when We speak of My being close to you and your being close to Me, what are We speaking of but the closer than close of the Oneness of One.
It seems hard to believe that We are One when you see human beings as foolish or even cruel, debasing themselves and, therefore, the whole of creation. If man is a travesty, how can he be One with Me? How can I say so? And how can you believe Me? I do say so, and I do see so. When all the cover-up is dispensed with, then you and I are irretrievably without exception -- One.
You probably say: “Good Lord, there seems to be an enormous amount of separation rather than Unity.”
That may well be how it seems, and yet I say staunchly that separation is untrue, and Unity is true and viable.

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True Gold

The only person you owe is yourself. You are obligated to yourself. This is not selfishness I advocate. Not at all, yet, nor are you to be at the beck and call of anyone who wants to claim you as their right.
When I say you are indebted to yourself, you have to remember that you do well to include in the many you wish to do good for the one you call yourself. You are not to overlook yourself. You are not to relegate yourself to the end of the line. Certainly, your life on Earth counts as much as anyone else’s life on Earth. You have rights and privileges. Nowhere do I mean that service to God means putting everyone’s needs before your own.
You personally cannot fill everyone’s needs. I can. You can’t.
Certainly, in one sense, you are servant to all the world. However, what service would you give to the world by putting everyone before you? You may choose to give up your life to save another. At the same time, you don’t have to. This is your choice. You are not obliged to give everyone what they may want at your own expense. You also have your life to live.
Remember that your service is to Me and on behalf of Me. Reserve some regard for yourself. You are not to consider yourself Selfless. You are also your own person. If you give all of yourself away, what is left of you?

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The Theme of Life

There is Nothingness, yet there is no void. There is potential. From a tiny seed, from the empty center of a tiny seed, comes a beautiful flower.
What is the sweet mystery of life? Life itself is a sweet mystery, and the mystery is unending. There is always more. One thing leads to another. First the tree and its branches. Then leaves, then flowers, then fruit, and then the fruit goes to seed, and the Earth is replenished. There are cycles spinning like bicycle wheels.
The theme of life has to be natural growth.
Everything is provided. What is provided is to be seen and recognized. Life offers Fullness. Look at the humble dandelion. How nature has provided its gossamer seeds that the wind blows. How deep dig the roots of the dandelion. The dandelion roots till the soil. How important and integral is every plant on Earth.
When this is the case, imagine the importance of Human Beings. Human Beings have been granted Free Will. A dandelion has no choice. It has to grow. It is all built-in. There is no departure. A dandelion will grow between two bricks or make its own crack in a wall. Instinct nudges plants to grow. Dandelions don’t question. What assurance and constancy a dandelion has. A dandelion is not fussy at all. Its life is determined. A dandelion is one-pointed. It faces the Sun, and that’s it. It drinks the rain, and a dandelion gives forth its reflection of the Sun. Hello, Dandelion.


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