For those of My children who struggle, can you not do as you do without the struggling part? What is struggle? It is trying too hard. Do as you do and release trying so hard, and you will not be struggling.
Of course, there is struggling and struggling just the way there is trouble and trouble. A broken fingernail can be trouble. Not getting a good mark on a test can be trouble. Having a car accident is another breed of trouble.
How related is trouble to worrying? You decide something is trouble, and perhaps you add an overtone of stormy weather. The world does not turn dark because you are anxious, yet you see it that way.
You live in what is called the relative world, and relative means that everything is by comparison. What if you didn’t compare? Then, worry would leave, trouble would not claim ownership. If you could know ahead of time that all that occurs doesn’t really matter, that what occurs occurs, what doesn’t occur doesn’t occur, and that all is well regardless of anything in the world of up’s and down’s. In that case, what would you identify as trouble and struggle? What would you refuse to admit to the entrance of your life when it has already barged in? What would you kick away?
What would you dismiss when you do not as yet know where it is taking you?
In one sense, there are no accidents. Then, if that is the case, everything is predetermined. In another sense, even that which seems to be predetermined can be your Free Will. It is not so easy to call the shots.