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The Land of God

And, in answer to your long question to Me yesterday, if I were to answer, “Okay, okay, I will change life to what you ask,” you might well be flabbergasted and even crestfallen. The wind would be taken out of your sails.

You might think: “What is God thinking? What? Is He conceding that I have made a good speech? What is the matter? Does God think He has lost a court case? Is He abandoning His Godship? Is He giving up His Domain so easily? Is He giving up on us, His children, without a backward glance? Is He withdrawing life from us?”

Beloveds, getting what you ask for is not always what you want.

Oh, yes, you may groan and grumble about life as it is. You may even make a good case for a carefree life given to you by sleight of hand, yet, in the end, what you have asked for -- begged for – isn’t truly your heart’s desire. The fact is that you do want to find your own way to the Land of God, even as exploration and discovery and digging deep aren’t at all what you like to believe you had in mind.

You may have drooled over the easy instant way, and then you are left with your mouth hanging open. You never liked instant mashed potatoes. You never did, did you? And the myriad of revolutionizing instant foods that have cropped up, in your estimation, do not begin to hold a candle to the real thing. How you long for the food your mother or grandmother used to make fresh.

Instant foods are also referred to as convenience foods.

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Plaints Sent to God

If the world is a real-seeming illusion, then suffering is also an illusion. I hear you say to Me:

“God, what difference does it make if my life on Earth is illusion or not when illusion feels real? What difference does it make if my suffering is illusion or not when it feels like honest-to-goodness suffering, and I suffer?

“Give me an illusion of peace then. Let me put in my time on Earth in illusion then. With all due respect to You, God, give me a pleasant illusion. If I am not made for suffering, why, then, do I have it? Make me free of suffering on any basis.

“You tell me that I do not need to suffer. Then, so, why do I? If I’m cut, I bleed. If I am hungry, I am hungry. If I mourn loss, I mourn loss. Do I need to go on? Well, one more thing. You say that if I perceived well enough, I would not suffer. Then give me, I beg You to give me, the perception that it is Yours. Make it mine, I beseech You.

“You say I will get the hang of it, that I will come to know Truth from Illusion. Give me the hang of it and release me from bondage now. Release me from illusion. Remove all pain and agony from me. If You are a God of Love, then show me Love so I love without limit, and that I love once and for all, and I am as You created me to be.

“God, I hear that I live many lifetimes. Do I need so many? Can’t I take a quick course? Please don’t tell me it’s my choice. What I presently live through can’t be my choice.

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A Place in Your Heart

Which one of My children is not My beautiful flower? Every one of you is My beautiful flower. This is how I see you. Of course, I love My hardy dandelions as much as I love My hothouse roses. The angle I see from is inclusive. My arms embrace all. In every single one of My children, I see something you may not be quite so adept at seeing, do you agree? Light sees light! There could be some dark spots within you. Beneath your delicate veneer, there could be.

Do you say that I am blinded with love? No, My dears, it is you who are blinded with judgment. Through your so-called objective mind, you pull some people in, and you push some people out. Of course, you have your reasons. You always have reasons. You can always justify what you think and do. You justify all the time. You are good at it.

And some people you may pull into your inner circle may come to disappoint you anon. You have second thoughts, and you boot the disappointers out from your close-knit inner circle. For some you previously excluded, you may later find reasons to include. Maybe they became famous or inherited a fortune, or you did! Something in you may have changed. As you change, so does your view of what is outside you change as well.

Take the splinter out of your own eye. Whatever a seeming another has done or not done, it is not for you to project unworthiness onto him or her. You have had your own ignoble thoughts. Someone else may have acted on your thoughts, beloveds.

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The Doorway to Infinity

To say the best is yet to come is to say Truth. The best is not behind you. You may sometimes in gloom think so. Yet what awaits you is primary. I say this because you have grown since yesterday, and you have already heard Me say that the past never was. With or without you, the past is obligated to recede. You can’t hold onto it, the past, not the long past or the short past either. Past is past. The illusion of the past you carried over is done with now. The good days are lined up before you like pins in a bowling alley.

Your good days are not lined up behind you. The good days of the past are effervescent. They are not now. You can’t turn them into now. They left long ago. You can’t live in them now.

Nor can you live in the future, for right now is the moment you have been waiting for. Make good use of it.

When you live in the past, you are like a miser with his money. He hoards it. He counts it over and over. You are to be viable now. What fear would hold you back from this very moment?

If you are a deep-sea diver, you can dive only at this moment. You have to make a new splash. You cannot be a collector of time or a collector of tide. Spend the present moment. Be generous with yourself. Spend this moment.

You are always taking a step forward. You are in the middle of a step now. You might think of yourself as pending, yet you are more than pending. You are forward-moving. One step after the other, and you are on your merry way to the next.

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When You Desire Happiness

Happiness is yours. I give it to you. It is the rug you stand on, the floor you walk on, the chair you sit in. You are the happiness you carry. That has to be so because I exist in your heart, and I am your happiness. I am your happiness of count.

When fear enters your heart, unhappiness gets its foot in the door. Fear and trembling dance a little jig in your heart, and you call this unhappiness. You name a state of affairs as unhappiness. Unhappiness seems very real to you, yet it is not the state of affairs. Unhappiness is an idea you carry. Fear gets a hold on you and makes you fearful, and your heart sinks.

You may think that the present is unhappy. You may feel unhappy, yet unhappiness is an idea that you carry around. You tell yourself that you are stuck in the mud and can never truly be happy, or happy for long. On Earth, life moves on irrespective of anything.

A decision you make for happiness is moving yourself forward, dear ones. A decision for unhappiness holds your back. Both happiness and unhappiness are conclusions you draw. A conclusion can be anything at all. A conclusion may be like a cloak you put on with many moth holes in it. Such conclusions are not of much use to you. Certainly, the conclusions you make color your day. If you like color, then color your day with the colors you like. The conclusions you draw are optional. Opt to use the colors you like.

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Room at the Inn [II]

What if everyone welcomed everyone into their hearts? What if it were easy and natural to accept everyone? No effort involved. What has made it so difficult for Me in the form of you to welcome everyone to Our fold? There is some need this fills, or no one would dismiss this person or that. You would not. You would not block anyone from your heart and let in only those especially chosen. You would not bar some or any from your heart nor would you welcome some and then later decide to toss them out.

There may be more people that you don’t favor than those you do. This makes no sense.

Ego must play some part in this. Ego might be looking for status. Ego likes to judge. You might hear ego call out: “Unworthy of you. Skip that one.”

Ego might whisper in your ear, and you turn away from someone you would bless with a hello. You never know. Welcoming all to this world does not make you gallant. The least you can do is to move over and offer another a seat. What can be so hard about having a generous heart?

Of course, you can’t marry everyone. You can’t bring your whole class home with you after school, yet what says that you are not ready to be on behalf of everyone? I wonder why you make lists in your mind and cross out some hearts from your heart. What is the good of it? If being exclusive makes you happy, how can that be? You snub someone, and you feel good about it?

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Have You Hacked into Infinity?

What does it mean that something can change in a heartbeat? It means it takes an instant, probably an instant between beats. This is how illness can be undone in an instant. This is how good will can take over the world. This is how work can be done.

Plodding is necessary in the present world because plodding is believed in. It takes time to accomplish this or that. If time does not truly exist, why would it take time?

In terms of the world, Rome wasn’t built in a day. In terms of the world, who can argue this?

At the same time, there have been instant cures and instant miracles of diverse kinds. These miracles may have happened because, as in science fiction, the one upon whom a miracle was bestowed, somehow slipped out of time or witnessed a non-passage of world time.

At night you have had dreams that went on and on, and yet, in truth, the dream may have taken place in a mere instant.

As you get older, the past does seem more and more like a dream, and somehow, now the dream’s continuity becomes fleeting, as if what had been a sequence actually happened all at once in one instant and wasn’t really parked anywhere. Your life may be a long story to tell in words, and, yet, your life is a flash of an instant of no-time.

Have you hacked into Infinity? It would seem so. You, an ordinary person like you who doesn’t know much and may even admit this, somehow you hacked into Infinity, OR you were hacked into Infinity for an instant of no time.

Who is who and what is what?

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God Is Rising in Your Heart

Through My heart revolves the world. The world reverberates through My heart. The world with you in it revolves around My heart. My love spins the Universe, and how light the Universe is as I carry it in My heart. There is no heaviness in My heart. Love and light weigh nothing.

If your heart feels heavy, something else, something uncalled for, has obtruded there. Superfluous baggage causes inefficiency of the heart. It causes insufficiency of the heart. Burdens add mass and are extraneous to the heart. Your heart is to weigh nothing. Heavy-hearted is not of God.

Now, do not add guilt or embarrassment to an already stuffed heart. Your heart has suffered enough. One minute of heartache is too much.

You are in process here on Earth. You are in process of removing burdens from your heart and from others’ hearts. At the very least, you are not to add to anyone’s sense of heaviness. Dispense with negativity, and this process will take care of itself. To think of it, never to have to worry about causing even the slightest harm to another, thus sparing yourself. You are here on Earth for dispassionate kindness. There is no need for you to carry defense of armor.

Lightheartedness is the rule of the day. Lighthearted, you fly on the wings of angels. Lighthearted, you fly on your own wings of light and love. Easy does it.

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A God of Love Beckons You

You may well be turning a corner in your life, yet some turns take their own sweet time. Sometimes it may feel that you have been turning this corner for a long time, very long time. You may be feeling that you are driving an old car that hasn’t been able to quite make the hill. Sometimes you may feel you are in slow motion or caught on the edge of some kind of unseen precipice. Sometimes you feel futuristic, and that you are in no car at all, just sailing around a corner with nothing holding you as you make the turn as though you are totally on your own.

Of course, it is not true that you are on your own, for you always have Me with you. I am your steering mechanism. In all cases, I am with you, loving you, loving you more than you can absorb. That you feel alone is proof of something missing only in your perception, for I am always firmly in your presence. You may, just may, see Me as fearful rather than merciful.

Merciful is not really a right word for Me, for there is no decision for Me to make. I do not debate. I do not decide. What you call mercy is ever-present. For the word mercy, I substitute love. I declare the one-syllable word love. It is ever with Me.

I do not choose or unchoose mercy as though mercy were an option. There is no option. Love is not an option. Of course, I would choose love, yet I chose it from the beginning. Love in My book was never a choice. Love has always been a given. Love established itself before the beginning. The beginning itself was issued from love.

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Wherever You May Be, Can Truth Be Far Behind?

Let’s look at everything in a new way. Why on Earth look at everything the same old way? Why be bound with boundaries?

Life may be compared to an escalator that keeps going up. If you have been getting off at the second floor all the time, note that there are other floors above, and each floor contains something that the floor below did not. Of course, in a department store, the 5th floor may not be more wonderful than the 4th floor. When it comes to consciousness, each floor has different offerings, and each floor builds on the one before. Each floor is golden in the sense that this is the floor you are on and where you belong until you leap to what We call a higher floor.

Is each floor easier to assimilate? Yes and no, yet there is nothing to question. You don’t want to go back to a lower floor, and so you rise higher, ready or not. When you rise, you are ready, no matter how stretched you may feel. After all, you did advance to a new floor.

Of course, in life the floors are not so easily identified. You may have risen to the 7th floor without realizing it. Or, let us consider, that you have always been on one magnificent floor. This is closer to the Truth. There is something great about discovering what floor you are on, and you may hardly believe that you have been on the top floor all along. You just weren’t able to read the signs until, gradually or abruptly, you spotted the floor number you are on and are amazed.


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