What does it mean that something can change in a heartbeat? It means it takes an instant, probably an instant between beats. This is how illness can be undone in an instant. This is how good will can take over the world. This is how work can be done.
Plodding is necessary in the present world because plodding is believed in. It takes time to accomplish this or that. If time does not truly exist, why would it take time?
In terms of the world, Rome wasn’t built in a day. In terms of the world, who can argue this?
At the same time, there have been instant cures and instant miracles of diverse kinds. These miracles may have happened because, as in science fiction, the one upon whom a miracle was bestowed, somehow slipped out of time or witnessed a non-passage of world time.
At night you have had dreams that went on and on, and yet, in truth, the dream may have taken place in a mere instant.
As you get older, the past does seem more and more like a dream, and somehow, now the dream’s continuity becomes fleeting, as if what had been a sequence actually happened all at once in one instant and wasn’t really parked anywhere. Your life may be a long story to tell in words, and, yet, your life is a flash of an instant of no-time.
Have you hacked into Infinity? It would seem so. You, an ordinary person like you who doesn’t know much and may even admit this, somehow you hacked into Infinity, OR you were hacked into Infinity for an instant of no time.
Who is who and what is what?