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The Silken Coverlet

All of life on Earth can be viewed as a metaphor. Life is symbolic. Therein lies the tale.

Life in the world is like an overlay, perhaps like a bedspread but such a bedspread, the weave and colors and intricacy beyond belief and yet seen in diverse ways. This bedspread is made of the finest silk, embellished with diamonds and rubies and emeralds and other stones from the Earth including stones you may kick as you walk along. Among the threads appear straw and various greens and flowers from the Earth and all manners of things, pictures of sun and rain, hills and dales, images of trains and planes and light and dark and bright and muted and things never seen before and endless repetitions of what is seen much of the time, and, yet, the bedspread, as intricate and overwhelming as it may be, is only a coverlet. No matter what it is woven of and no matter how beautiful it is or how uproarious it may be, it is a coverlet that can also be lifted off.

In Our metaphor, under the coverlet lies a sleeping place that you lay your head on, and what dreams may come. And, beyond your wildest dreams lie greater riches. We can call this beyond the Source of All.

The coverlet is beautiful, yet there is greater than this. You have an idea of what is greater and beyond, and sometimes you have glimpses of the True Reality, and, always, by the very nature of life on Earth, you come back to the coverlet and prance upon it.

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Make Life Beautiful

You are a special remarkable being. There are no two ways about it. Frankly, whatever you may think of yourself, you do not think enough of yourself. Whatever mistakes you have made, even what crimes you have committed, all of it, all of it is water under the bridge.

In one second, in less than one second, you can be completely healed from illness and other patterns of the past you have accrued. Life does not stay still. There is no verdict. Life as you know it is in your hands and can completely change before your very eyes.

Life is not the stalemate you may have thought. Life is not static. Nothing has to stay the same. In fact, nothing does stay the same.

In the world, up and down exist. In the world, you can progress or you can go backward. Despite what life may look like to you, your life, how it revolves, what you make of it, what you do with it, are up to you. You are not marked one way for your entire life. There are new avenues for you to go down.

Man is a creature who can make decisions. You have choices. All of life is not out of your hands. Wherever you find yourself in terms of your God-given love, you can transport yourself. If you have been stingy with your love, at this very moment, you can unlock your heart and give love generously. At every moment you have choice. Even when you may see no choice, you have choice.

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Make Peace with the Past

Mistakes happen. They are passing things. You are not to culture them and ruin your day because of them. You misinterpreted something. You have to let it go. A mistake was made. Apologize, and now you let it go, and you stride on. You are a strider. You move ahead in life. You get going in life. You step out of the past. So, you made a mistake. Wash your hands of it. Say Mea culpa once and forget it. The past is not to be an albatross around your neck. I know you. You hold yourself accountable, no one else. So far so good. Give yourself parole from servitude to the past now. Do not sentence yourself to regret and sorrow. Make your peace with what is past.

You are not always what you want to be. You are not always your hero. Part of you is a mistake-maker. Pardon that part of you. Guilt is not part of you. Guilt is a sorry add-on, and you are not to add guilt to your self-prescribed list of crimes. Even if no one else forgives you, forgive yourself. Forgiving yourself means to let whatever the mistake was go into the trash. That’s where disappointments in yourself have to go. You can’t store anymore past regrets. In fact, it’s time you tossed away those certain mistakes and even the possible ones. Give them a farewell if you must but get them out of your sight. To recollect them is like collecting flies. What would you keep them for? If you must atone, atone to the past by moving forward now.

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Life as a Picture Book

Beloveds, I have heard you say to Me:

“God, when I look back on my life, it is, as You say, like something I read about or made up. The place where I was born and where I have traveled and even where I am now seem imagined and very far away in time and space, as if they were no more than thoughts. I have a sense of not having been anywhere ever, or knowing where I am now even as I sit in my chair. It’s as if there is nowhere to be. In one sense, this farawayness seems like progress while, at the same time, I feel lost at sea. Is it boundaries I cry for?”

Beloveds, most certainly you are missing the comfort of boundaries. You are, in a sense, dislocated. It’s like memories are all so far away in the distance that you are no longer attached to them. It’s like memories are thoughts you pluck out of nowhere and have nothing to do with the present-day so-called you.

You suppose this means you are not attached, yet it seems you are attached to the attachment. It is as if your memories are not really connected to you, and yet they are the memories you have, and when you think of your mother and father and brothers and sisters all gone, you are so sad. You know what you want is impossible on this level, and yet you still wish you could have everything back on Earth again as it used to be even for a few minutes.

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A Remarkable Day

There is only one day like today. There may be infinite days as seen in world time, and, even so, there will never be another day like today. Not the day itself nor your day within the day. There is not one person, not even one twin, identical to another. Furthermore, in every person, there is change whether you see it or not. Change is perpetual in the world. Change is inevitable. No two days are alike, no two people are alike, and no two days or two people stay exactly the same. Anyway, there is no real purpose in tracking the ways in which days and people stay the same nor is there value in tracking the ways days and people are different.

There are zillions of expressions of what a particular day in time and space is like. For one person, it is the happiest day of his life. For another, it’s the worst day. For someone else it was okay. On the same day, someone met his true love, and someone else lost his true love, and yet the day is just doing its thing, just there as a background, seemingly an obstacle to one, and to another, a benefactor. The days are innocent, beloved. And when you come down to it, so are you innocent, the seeming innocent bystander who relishes the day or rues it and finds it what he finds it.

There is your perception that you are life’s captive, yet you have everything to do with your life. Is the life you experience merely an opinion you have along the way as you walk across one day to another? This idea of your life being your opinion is worth pondering. We already know how your opinions may change right before your eyes.

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Why Does God Repeat Himself?

Let Me repeat Myself. How lovely is a day with you in it. Heavenly, I may say.

If you had any idea of the depth and breadth with which My heart is filled by even the thought of you, you would be one of the most joyous people in the world. You would not know of desolation, loneliness, or ever feeling unloved, for you would fly high as you have some idea of how loved you are. You would then be able to start loving yourself with all the love in Heaven and on Earth. You would love. You would not know how not to love. You would not know how to begin to feel unloved. You would have the basis from which to love everyone as yourself. Oh, yes, you have always loved everyone always as you loved yourself. You never loved yourself enough. Now you will do honor to everyone and the world with your love that will fall abundantly from you like apple blossoms. Your love will reach far and near.

What else will I repeat to ensure that you hear Me?

I will repeat: Let go, let go. Let go of everything that holds you back, and there is a lot, beloveds.

Letting go is not so easy for you. Let go of grudges and being right. Let go of any hanging on to how something has to be. It doesn’t have to be any way but what it is. Let go of the idea that you owe anyone anything or that anyone owes you anything. Let go of necessity for possessions. Let go of the idea that you know better than others. From others, even from those you see as less worthy or less fortunate than you, you have something to gain. Let go of everything but love. There is nothing else.

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The Great Wondrousness

You may have thought that you are at the mercy of the world with all its laws and by-laws, its hustle-bustle, its manners, with so much for you to learn in the ways of the world.

I ask of you to make a new world based on its true destiny.

You may think that your life is destined and that you are at the world’s mercy. You may think that if you’re lucky, life is pretty good. If you’re not lucky, life is not so good.

No one is blind to the difficulties that can occur in life, nor are you, at the same time, to discount the great wondrousness that may also await you in life. The world may offer you many treasures that you don’t see, or, if you do see, you turn away from, for you hear not the call to adventure. You would like a new life, yet you hesitate about taking a new step. You may be too comfortable following the path most traveled.

Yet each day is new, and you are new in it. It is good to relax, yet relax does not mean that you and everything are to stay as they are. You cannot always set the pace of your life and the twists and turns of it. Every day has a new yield.

We can compare life to the seasons. We can compare life to the flavors of ice cream. We can compare you to the stars. Some of My children are like fixed stars who don’t want to go anywhere, and some of My children are like moving stars that want to make discoveries. Regardless of your proclivities, there will be times when you stay put, and there will be times when it seems you can hardly keep up with life.

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What Do You Get When You Are the Fairest of All?

You serve no purpose when you are uptight. What purpose does tenseness play? It does point out to you that you will do well to unwind. Of course, you have to let go of tension. With tension, you tie yourself up in knots. What is the point of doing this to yourself? No matter what is going on in your life, even when it is a life and death battle, tension isn’t your friend. Well, then, tension must be ego at work. Ego and tension do not stand anyone in good stead.

Perhaps ego tells you that you have to be perfect. What does it mean, this being perfect in a human body on Earth? It’s not likely to succeed. You may be absolutely wonderful in every way, yet you are not perfect in terms of the world. Right now, of course, We are talking about perfection in terms of the world at large. In My terms, it is a different story, of course. I see your light, and that’s all I have to know. I ask you, of course, to begin to see the light you are made of. It is glorious this light that We share.

In the world, if you are tall, you are not petite. If you have blue eyes, you don’t have brown eyes. If you are excellent in mathematics, maybe you’re not to be so great in poetry or spelling. This is what I mean when I say that your dreams of perfection are over-blown. Perfection is not an ideal desire.

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Be Here for Greatness

Details have their place, yet, in life as a whole, details are not the most important focus. In fact, details mostly irk you because you gather around them. Someone didn’t make the bed right. Someone didn’t put the lid back on the peanut butter, or didn’t put it back on tightly enough. Someone left the light on, didn’t close the door, ate with his mouth open. It is too often the little annoyances that annoy you the most. Minor matters like to take over the stage. Most of your frustration comes from small matters that you let take over your time and heart. Much too much energy goes into details that ultimately don’t matter. These tiny annoyances add up. They surround you. They surmount you. You make much of them, as if life depends on the perfection of details. Meticulousness has its place, but not in most of life and not to the extent you allow.

When you have a matter of real concern, what I am saying to you now comes close to home. The details of life aren’t worth the energy they consume. Sometimes details make you picky beyond reason.

Sure, you may be right in what you are saying. Of course, you are right that i’s must be dotted and t’s crossed. That is not the issue. The issue is what are you spending your life and time on?

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The Love in Which God Holds You

Yes, you have to get out of the habit of small thinking. Once and for all you have to get out of the learned reactions you have made yours to that which causes you frustration. How much better life would be if you could only get out of your resentment and anger about small things.

I will help you. I will coach you. The only thing is that you have to come to a greater grasp yourself.

Let us say, for the third time in three days, a company’s robot has sent you a response to your honest question. The response is no response at all. The robot has no idea of what you are talking about. The robot does not have a clue. And the programmed robot is undaunted. The robot notes cheerfully that it will be happy to answer your questions at any time. So blind and uncaring is the robot that you are frustrated beyond belief. Sometimes a live body is just like the computer robot who doesn’t hear you. It doesn’t matter what you say.

Dear Ones, you have a habit of frustration. From childhood, you may have been in a vise of not being heard. Not being heard is the same as being quashed. Being ignored is an anathema to you. You are so angry at being ignored. Of course, it is not right. Every one of My children deserves to be seen and heard and, frankly, adored, and not ignored.

Yet childhood has not always been all it is meant to be.

So, how do you now become the human being you want to be? Snubs in life keep popping up. Resentment and anger remain, ever-irritating you like a fly that comes back again and again to annoy and haunt you.


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