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Claim Joy

What you see is what you get. You already know this. See beauty in the world, and your world is beautiful. See trouble, and you see and have trouble.

As it is, in the world, you may say that no one misses out on trouble. Who can argue this? Nevertheless, someone in straits worse than yours may be happier than you. What you see is what you have.

Your happiness in life comes from more than your situation and the conditions under which you live. It would seem that your happiness comes from more like your conditioning and certain habits you have fallen into. What are you looking for? Are you looking for the past to repeat itself, or are you looking forward to something more, maybe even entirely new. Knock on the door before you that says Happiness.

Happiness comes from deeper than the events in your life. As in music, there are many tones played in life. Now the question is: What do you major in? Where do you spend your time and thought? on the high notes or the low notes? on the drums or the clanging or overtures and crescendos? You do have a choice of what music you play and your emphases on the life you live.

You can go to the opera or a jazz club. You can choose where you spend your thoughts, and your thoughts add up to your life. The quality of your life amounts to your thoughts. Your life is tragic when you say it is. Your life is beautiful when you say it is. Life can certainly give you joy. Claim joy more than you claim heartache.

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The Dial of Your Life

When life seems to be too much for you, recline, or take a walk. Get your mind off the exigencies of life for a while.

Despite your sense of it, life is not urgent. Life goes on. Whether or not you are as you want to be, whether or not life is what you want it to be, life keeps going on and takes you with it. You are never out of life. There is enough life for all. On Earth or in Heaven, you are alive and well regardless of what the world you experience looks like to you and regardless of what the world seems to think it is or is not. You are the perceiver of your life and the goal-setter. Set the dial of your life to encouragement and expand your perception.

Life comes to you. It may come as a feast. It may come as a crust of bread. Life is for you no matter how bounded it looks like to you. In truth, life is unlimited. Life is your work-place, and it is your playground, and it is, despite your perception, a Holy Place. Angels in human form live on Earth. This is the Truth. Earth angels don’t need wings to fly, for they have souls that can take them anywhere and everywhere. Earth angels are not relegated solely to Earth. Earth angels have hearts and minds that can fly anywhere and everywhere with dispatch and take you here and there with or without your awareness. There is no such thing as at a distance, although distance seems real enough to you. There is no distance, yet you take a journey from here to here and everywhere and nowhere, and I go with you.

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Stir the Divine

Whatever you may think and say, you are leading a Divine Life. Instituted by Me, what can life be but divine? There are too many miracles in life for life to be anything but divine. Ah, your happiness is another story.

You attribute merit to your life or you scoff at merit. I tell you strongly that every life on Earth has great merit. You are your own specialty. Stir your own life, beloved. Life in the world forms a spiral like your DNA. Stir your own DNA. If you don’t like your life right now, recreate it. Re-assemble yourself. Turn yourself around. Remove blinders. There are many avenues before you.

The first stirring is desire. What a power desire is. On its own, desire sets up your dreams by motivation. No one ever said for you to limp along in life. Yes, take what comes as it comes to you and remember the inherent power of desire. Desire isn’t a plan. It is an incentive. Desire sets the wheels in motion. Desire to give goodness and mercy, and sail your ship. Desire is a strong rudder in the ship you sail. The rudder digs deep.

Of course, life moves you along, yet you are the inciter of your life. Life offers many chances, yet life is not all chance. Choose your chances. Open them like a menu.

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L'Océan Duquel Vous Êtes Apparus

Peut-être que cette illumination que vous cherchez est d'arriver au point où vous réalisez que ce qui importe c'est le bienfait en soi de la vie sur Terre, la vie et l'amour, l'Unité de Toute la Vie. En découvrant la Plénitude de l'Amour, vous savez, une fois pour toute, que votre coupe déborde.

Oui, la vie et l'amour importent et ils sont inévitables. La vie et l'amour jaillissent et ne peuvent être arrêtés. Il en est ainsi. Dans la vie, vous découvrez la Vie elle-même, la qualité et l'abondance de l'amour, la découverte du Soi, la récognition du Soi, levant le voile sur ce qui était toujours là, mais qui vous était caché à vous et l'humanité. À présent, vous trouvez le vase d'or au bout de l'arc en ciel, l'oiseau bleu du bonheur, Dieu au Paradis et vous trouvez que tout est parfait.

Arrivés à ce point, quel rire tonitruant Nous aurons, vous et Moi. Nous nous roulerons par terre, incapables de Nous relever et d'arrêter de rire. Vous verrez ce qui a toujours été et vous commencerez à prendre conscience de votre Véritable Place dans l'Univers.

Depuis longtemps, sur la Terre, chacun de Mes Enfants, incluant chacun d'entre vous, joue le rôle d'un fou, un fou sérieux, un jocker dans un jeu de cartes, se prenant lui-même et les situations qu'il rencontre, avec sérieux et naïveté. Il peut être un fou savant, mais un savant qui est trompé, qui se trompe lui même et qui devient un composant de la foule sur la Terre, endossant une mission de fou, comme si c'était l'essentiel de la vie, alors que pendant tout ce temps, l'Infinité le fixe dans les yeux.

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There Is a Realm

Of what is man made but of soul? What is man but a soul packaged in a human body? What more is there to say? My children believe in bodies fully yet not quite so much in their own souls which exist in and out of the body. This state of affairs may be called reasoning. Logic is given, yet, isn’t it only an idea that the body exists and the soul can’t exist because you can’t point to where the soul is? Isn’t this thinking out of the realm of reason altogether? And who cares where the soul is located? Care that you have a soul. Your soul represents you. You are your soul.

Is it reason to say that only what the five senses can embrace actually exists? Surely, there is more to you than meets the eye.

You can see words, and you can say words exist. You can write them. You put up pictures of them. You can say that words are evidence of thought. You might say that if there is a word for thoughts then thoughts must be said to exist. I don’t think anyone denies that thoughts exist, yet they often exist as will-o’-the-wisps.

There is a word God, and there is a word soul, and there is a word life. There is also a word for death and everyone understands its meaning. Young children already understand what death is. There is death of the body. There is no death when it comes to soul or spirit or God Myself.

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De Oceaan van Waaruit Jij Ontstond

Misschien is deze verlichting die jij zoekt jouw komen naar het punt waar en wanneer jij je realiseert waar het om gaat -- de verdienste van het leven zelf op Aarde, leven en liefde, de Eenheid van Alle Leven. Als je de Volheid van de Liefde in haar geheel ontdekt, weet je, eens en voor altijd, dat jouw kopje over stroomt.

Ja, leven en liefde zijn belangrijk, en ze zijn onvermijdelijk. Leven en liefde zijn stijgende en niet te stoppen. En zo is het. In het leven, ontdek je het Leven zelf en de kwaliteit en de overvloed van liefde, de ontdekking van het Zelf, het vinden van het Zelf en het herstellen ervan, het blootleggen van wat er altijd was, echter verborgen voor jouw zicht en het zicht van de bevolking. Nu ben jij de pot met goud aan het ontdekken aan het einde van de regenboog, de geluksvogel in je eigen achtertuin, en God in de Hemel, en jij ondervindt dat alles goed is.

Als jij aankomt op dit punt, wat zullen Wij, jij en Ik, luidruchtig lachen. We zullen over de vloer rollen. We zullen niet in staat zijn om op te staan. We zullen niet in staat zijn om te stoppen met lachen. Je zult zien wat er altijd is geweest, en je zal beginnen met het ontdekken van jouw Werkelijke Positie in het Universum.

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The Ocean from Which You Arose

Perhaps this enlightenment you seek is your coming to the point when and where you realize what matters -- the merit of life itself on Earth, life and love, the Oneness of All Life. As you discover the Fullness of Love in its entirety, you know, once and for all, that your cup runneth over.

Yes, life and love matter, and they are inevitable. Life and love are soaring and unstoppable. And so it is. In life, you discover Life itself and the quality and abundance of love, the discovery of Self, the finding of Self and recovering of it, uncovering what was always there yet hidden from your view and the view of the populace. Now you are finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, the bluebird of happiness in your own back yard, and God in Heaven, and you find that all is well.

As you arrive at this point, what uproarious laughter We, you and I, will have. We will roll on the floor. We will not be able to get up. We will not be able to stop laughing. You will see what has always been, and you will begin to discover your True Standing in the Universe.

For so long, while on Earth, each Child of Mine, including you, plays the part of a fool, a serious fool, a joker in a deck of cards, taking himself and current events with such seriousness and naiveté, perhaps a scholarly fool yet a scholar who is fooled, who fools himself and becomes one of the crowd on Earth, taking a fool’s errand as if that were the sum and substance of life when, all the while, Infinity stares him in the face.

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One Foot in Heaven

To what do I owe this occasion of your visit to Me? You who are My Vision come to visit Me when We have never been apart! You make a special point to sit yourself before Me as if We are not always One!

There is no penitent before Me. You may think so, yet I know Who You Are. I know you as Myself. Will you now come to know you as Myself? This does not make you boastful. This is not an accomplishment of yours. That We are One has always been the case, and you are just waking up to this Reality now. Our acquaintance is not something new. We have always been together. Before the beginning of time, it simply was not a question because there I was, the Whole Potential of You. You were My Thought, and yet you were Before Thought and Beyond Thought.

Who Created Whom when We always have shared Being? There is no ownership of Being. Oneness is not a production. It is a revelation. I hold hands with the supposed you, and We hold hands together, even as our Oneness is far beyond hands. Our hearts are One. What else is there to discuss?

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The Light of God Is Shining on You

Open your ears, and open your heart. Sometimes all you listen to is yourself. Sometimes, it is a full-time job to tune in to someone sitting across from you, for your mind thinks it knows everything. Your mind knows only what it thinks it knows or is used to. In this life, you want to go deeper and wider. It is for you to get out of old ways of thinking. Even when old ideas are not propitious for you, you may still like to hold on to them for old time’s sake.

Beloveds, in holding onto old thoughts, you jam up the airwaves before you. You don’t get anywhere. The thing is that you do want to get somewhere. What has been may not be the direction to go in now. Let not the past be an impediment to you. If you are holding onto the past, it won’t let you go forward. You are holding onto something that is no longer. Better to move forward on your own volition. With or without your say, life is going to move you forward. The past is important to you, yet you have to move on.

No more digging in with your feet. Be light on your feet, and go forward. Everyone has to step ahead into new territory. Even if you stay in the same house in the same town with the same people, it is a new day dawning. Be on the forefront of your life and be not a straggler.

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All Love Is to and from the Self

From the first moment I saw you, I saw Myself created. Before that, from the first moment I thought of you, We were already One. Before that, before I conceived of you, We are already One. I drew Myself out in many drawings of Myself, all of which are My beloved Self.

This is how it is that created life is all illusion. From Truth, illusion was born, a precious illusion was born. Earth is blessed with you, and you are blessed with Earth, this made-up profusion of wondrousness. Yes, wondrous are you made in My image. Although made in My image, you are the Real Thing. How many ways can I encapsulate Myself in a drawing of you? As many ways as there are My children. Think of it. You are a Child of God. No, not off an assembly line. Not at all. Made by hand. Made by My heart. Perfectly made by My heart. For the joy of life, I materialized Myself. I populated a world and placed you in it. I told you to go ahead and multiply love.

There can be no more love than there already is. Love is already full, and yet you circulate love. Money is not love, yet you circulate love by spending it. Love is Infinite, and yet you distribute it so you can see love in front of you. You are to spend love so you know what love feels like. Love is to be given, and you are the giver of it. All love is to your Self. Through ways and means, you deliver love. Love reaches all the way to Heaven. Anything else does not, and, yet, Love Is All. There are no two ways about it.


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