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A Seeker of My Knowledge

God said:

You may have played around with the idea that, in the manner of a genie, how I might bestow upon you the whole contents of My Creative Intelligence just like that. Ho, ho, what a plum this would be for you in this world, even as I say once again, Beloveds, that, because of Our Oneness, all My Children already possess the Totality of Knowledge natural, yet may not have it so quickly at the tip of your tongue.

In your daydream of such an explosion of Knowledge in the world, it may not have occurred to you that you could be overstepping? Taking too big a bite in one swallow? That you could fry your mind? Be blown away?

Beloveds, assimilating and understanding are not quickies. You can’t just sit down and absorb an encyclopedia all at once. Something has to settle in, and you to get comfortable. Something has to click.

You don’t want to stuff your mind. As a matter of fact, your mind is already stuffed.

You do desire accrued wisdom that goes beyond information.

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The Three Little Pigs II

God said:

Harken to the NEW! Add the word New to your vocabulary. Be new. Ah, yes, release the old. The fact is that you are New today. Be a Breath of Fresh Air. Reach new Heights. Reach new Lengths. Introduce yourself to your Self.

See from a New View. Add New Layers to yourself Include New Dimensions. There is One Truth. There are no New Truths.

Beloveds, I state the obvious. Life in the World is ever new.

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Do You Really Come from the Stars

God said:

How puzzling it is to you how Life seems to pop up in the raw? It so happens you are fashioned by every bit of Life, every incident, and, yet, how can this be? Really? Everything has an affect on you? Every incident in your Life, the lovely and the unlovely? Every person whose path you cross? Those who charm you, and those who besmirch you, the ones who speak up and those who say not a word, all those who seem to brighten your spirit as well as those who dash it? Really? Every word spoken across the world or whispered in your ear, early in Life or late in Life, every word spoken to you or spoken to someone else? Every word that gives happiness or troubles you? How can this be? Surely you are greater than the sum total of what you hear and see and think of?

You must add up to more than everyone who admires you or who drifts away from you, including every child who you went to kindergarten with. How can they make much of a difference to your Life?

Everyone who lives and everyone who dies, every stranger you pass by and everyone you say hello to, every sound you hear, every book whose title you glance over, every page you turn? Every cloud that passes overhead, every laugh, every cry, every shot heard around the world? How can this be?

Beloveds, you are developed from every color and flower that blooms and every scent you breathe and every drop of rain that lands on your nose or every puddle you step into? And, yes, of course, you really do come from the Stars and My Influence no matter how subtle.

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Deep in the One Ocean

God said:

A sense of incompleteness seems to chase you, as if there is something you are missing and may never find what this is. Yes, you have a longing, yet what has flown is emptier than your Heart’s longing. For all you know, you could be longing for a longing.

When you have a tooth missing, your tongue finds the gap.

It can’t be that your soul or part of your soul is missing, yet what is this vagueness that follows you around? You know not its name. You misplace or forget altogether what now seems to be a blank. You would like to send out a search party. Perhaps you lost your address. Could you be a missing person? Can you possibly be missing from yourself. Could you have been crossed out, and no one let you know? Why weren’t you told?

I tell you now to go out into Nature, and I will restore your Soul. You will recall yourself to yourself. You will discover what you are doing here on Earth. No longer will you feel away or apart. Pull off your socks. Let your bare feet touch the grass. Recall fresh air. Inhabit the Universe up close. Right this moment, you are finding yourself. You just haven’t quite gotten the hang of Infinity. You can’t hold Infinity tight. There is no table of contents for Infinity that you can look up. There is more to Life on Earth than meets the eye.

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Remember Bright Light

God said:

When you feel lusterless, you have forgotten to let your light shine.

Remember bright light, and you will feel it again.

When you feel down, your attention has been in the wrong place. It is that simple. When you feel depressed, you have depressed your heart.

I do not suggest that you think of those less fortunate than you in order to bolster yourself. You need no bolstering, and others don't need that kind of attention Your thoughts do not belong there.

Rather, think upon those whose light shines beyond themselves. Draw a breath and dare to let your light shine the same. Dare to incorporate the light I gave you into your life by giving it.

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In Oneness, You Toss Your Heart High in the Sky.

God said:

Yes, you are a Nomad in the Earth world. You are an Explorer, a Scout, a Discoverer, a Traveler, a Seeker of All that can be Sought. You are everyone in Existence. You are more than a fragment of yourself. You are not stranded. You are not set apart. You are Oneness tossing your Heart High in the Sky.

You map out your Life. One way or another, your Name is Love. You tend to abscond with Love and save it for a rainy day.

In order to hold on to Love, let it go. This is the way. No one successfully binds Love. There is no thread that can tie Love up tight.

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The Playing Field of Life

God said:

No offense, Beloveds. Concede. My One All-Seeing Actual Vision of Life overtakes all Human Viewpoints by a Mile. How clearly I see Life and how your vision is obscured. Look over My shoulder. I give you the God’s Truth, whereas you vouchsafe an opinion.

I bless you for your good Heart for Humanity.

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Holy Purpose

God said:

Ego is a false God. No longer give reverence to ego. Ego may serve a purpose. The true purpose of ego is to help you let it go of it. In this sense, ego serves a tremendous purpose. In this sense, ego serves a Holy Purpose. The dissolution of ego is worthy.

The swelling of ego is a distraction from your True Purpose which is simply and unequivocally service, not necessarily primarily to yourself. Ego is full of fancy. Ego is fanciful. Your ego is not meant to be highlighted. No bowing down to ego. There are to be no flourishes. Ego is not meant to be a velvet cape that you swirl as though you were a toreador ready to subdue a bull.

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Valleys of Beauty

God said:

If I am God in Heaven, then you are My child in Heaven. If I am God on earth, then you are My child on earth. That We are together is indisputable. Where I am must be Heaven, so there is no earth. There is only Heaven.

We can say that Heaven is transported to another dimension called earth where Heaven is not so visible. Through the density, Our light has been distorted. It has been bent, refracted. An image is projected that is not quite true. And that is called life on earth.

Nevertheless, all the beauty of Heaven is here. You see signs of it everywhere. What do you think spring is if not from Heaven? The sun, the sky, the growing things, the heart of you — all from Heaven.

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What If You Don't Have to Be Afraid?

God said:

When your life becomes difficult for you, and you attribute it to outside events like tornados or loved ones’ bodies’ dying and leaving you behind, or whatever has befallen, it is as if your heart has been cut in two, and you are affrighted. And, to the damage, you add such forebodings as The sky is falling, and falling down on you.

Beloveds, events are events. Whatever has occurred, has occurred. It is fear that assaults you now. It is hard enough for you, what had occurred. Now, have enough of woe, and do not compound your hurt with fear thoughts. Put an end to the tortuous thinking of what further distress might occur. Or, if you must play the game of what if, start off with: “What if I don’t have to be afraid? What if all is taken care of? What if I worry for nothing?”


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