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Life Forevermore

God said:

What is all this pre and aft? What is this non-meaning of time as if time were marbles tossed before you? What is it exactly that you believe you must hold onto as if for Dear Life. There is nothing you have to keep and hold onto except as you say so. It is safe to say that there is nothing that you must hold onto.

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Good Morning, Merry Sunshine!

God said:

My Beloveds, this is the Day I have made for you. Take it. It is yours. You would like Me to fill your Days, yes? Of course, you do! There are all possible kinds of Days to set before you. The Menu is Infinite, dripping with all kinds of exquisite Joy! By all means, partake of this Day. Stroll as you choose. Your walking style depends on you.

There is a splendid Line-Up for you. Today is indeed yours for the asking. You are next in Line.

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All I Ask Is to Be Free to Be Me

God said:

Beloveds, what would it take for you to be consistently happy for even one whole day? There are times when, truth be known, you really wonder what’s going on and how much the world at large, if at all, acknowledges you. You may feel undervalued. You were born too soon or too late, and the world, alas, doesn’t see you reflected in the Light that I, God, hold you in.

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Would You Decide that a Daffodil Makes a Better Dandelion?

God said:

There is no such thing as in the nick of time, regardless of how you view the world, and all things considered. Nothing is too soon or too late. All is what is when it is. This is one way to look at Life. Life doesn’t require the shedding of tears.

Lean toward the idea that everything is okay. This one switch alone will smooth out your Life. Why not smooth out your Life?

No Life on Earth is wasted no matter what the world makes of it. What if the idea of “less than desirable” is a mistaken idea. Because this seems so to anyone or everyone doesn’t mean you have to go along with it. The world is still up and running. Let go of all the assigned barriers to your Lives, Beloveds. You are just right as you are.

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The Prince and the Pauper

God said:

You don’t have to predict everything or anything about your Life, Beloveds. Life isn’t about fulfilling your predictions. You aren’t the Seer of your Life. You aren’t at that place yet, nor do you have to be.

Of course, Life can beat a path to your Dreams. Dreams can come true. All dreams can come true. Invite all your dreams, yet not nail them to the wall. You who like freedom must also give freedom freely as I allow it to you.

Dear Ones, you don’t have to sew up Life. You don’t exactly have this privilege. It is not for you to regiment Life. Life doesn’t have to be a foregone conclusion. Life doesn’t have to be an ironclad promise fulfilled nor are you to feel crushed or ruined!

Give Life room to grow. Give your Life leeway. Go ahead and shake hands with Life, yet you can’t always clinch it or nip it in the bud.

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Reconnaissance Within Your Heart

God said:

What does Life have to be but what it is when it is? What you might call out to be done and over with and get out of the way are circumstances you perceive and may insist upon evicting as if you are the Queen of the Land. Beloveds, lay down restraints. You may line-up stated requirements. You may say you must have what you say you must have and absolutely must have or you can only be bereft. It’s okay. You can request. Where is it said, however, that you must have all that you insist upon, or you will not play. You might lay down your cards when Life is for you to accept.

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How Many Times Must God Remind You?

God said:

There is no such thing as in the Nick of time. Nor is nothing too soon or too late. All is when it is. This is one way to look at Life, you understand. Certainly, no tears require being shed. It’s a fine idea to stream toward that all is just right. This one idea alone will smooth out your Life. Life on Earth isn’t frittered away whatever you may say of it.

As in the fairy tales, everything is just right. You are just right. And everyone is the Fairest of All.

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The Changing of the Guard

God said:

On the surface of Life, everything changes. Everything seems to change before your very eyes. Nothing stays the same. Nothing stays. You have to keep catching up. Business is no longer as usual.

In the Depths, Life is ever Eternal and never-changing. This is the Eternity you keep hearing about.

On the level of the ephemeral world, nothing stays fixed. In one sense, Life, what you call Life, is shifting sand. It never stays where it was.

You race along. You desire to get caught up or are being caught up to.

You are in a time warp. You want to catch up with time, or you wish to get past it.

All the while, you hear Me say that time does not exist. Yes, I have told that you that Life, Life Beautiful as well as Life fractious -- Life, altogether is illusion right from the get-go.

Of course, the Magnificence of Life also exists down to Earth.

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The Miracle of Healing

God said:

Within Healing lies a relationship through which confidence is imparted. Without effort, something passes through the doctor who imparts healing and the patient who absorbs healing. It is also possible that it is the patient who creates the healing the doctor brings. Something happens that is beyond calculation. Which one is the healer or the healed isn’t so easy to say.

A cheerful attempt at camaraderie and determination to heal and to be healed go only so far. Healing cannot be reproduced or manufactured. It cannot be faked. Healing comes just like that. It comes when you are not looking. There is a connection between the healer and healed. It is definitely not style We speak of. It is not about impressing one Will upon another’s Will. Not at all.

Christ was not looking for a name for himself. In healing, something deep happens, or it does not. What happens is above the world.

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Twiddling Your Thumbs

God said:

There may be value in twiddling your thumbs. In every exercise and every movement you make, there is value. In crying, there is value. In laughing, value sings to the High Heavens.

Of course, in silence there is value. In everything under the Sun, there is value.

In every dance, in every song, there is value. In all the nursery rhymes, there is value. In hop-scotch, there is value. In pattycakes, there is value. In cartwheels, value abounds. In standing on your head. In shaking your head Yes, there is value.

There is more value going on than you have any idea of.

In every beat of your heart. In all activity, and in all repetition, there is more going on than you know.


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