
will's picture

Unfinished Love

God said:

All love is unfinished. Don't you know that?

That means that all love is unending.

Love you gave in the past continues. Every kindness you ever gave continues. The waves of love continue. You are riding on them. They transport you. All the love you ever extended continues to extend.

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Vaulting across the Universe

God said:

You are growing in love and wisdom right and left. And the growing is not always easy. Your ego is being wracked right and left, and that is how you grow. Ego is forced to step aside, at least for a while, and you see yourself rising to the sun. You did not get burned. Your ego did.

Ego doesn't go up in flames without a fight. I talk about ego as though you have no responsibility for it. Never mind, you are learning to get along without it or without so much of it.

You are really beginning to learn that there are no affronts to you, only to your ego. Oh, beloveds, think of what it will be when ego no longer pesters you and gets the best of you and when you stand above it. Picture yourself standing tall, ego on the floor beneath, and with your foot on ego, you keep it down. Now ego submits to you, instead of your submitting to ego. Now you have risen, and you are vaulting across the Universe knowingly with Me.

will's picture

Shining Light

God said:

When you carry resentment in your heart, you are not free, for resentment lugs you around. You are at its mercy. Resentment carries you over its shoulders and bumps you into walls and bruises you.

You have a heart that is meant for love, not resentment. You have a heart meant for softness, not hardness. This is true even when someone, in her own distress, seems to despise you. Her distress is contagious, and she would like to pass it on to you. It is a hot potato.

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Who Is Responsible for Your Self-Image?

God said:

Making excuses and excusing are two different things. When someone affronts you, you have to excuse him. There is nothing else for you to do. Otherwise, you carry another's offense around with you. You have to let go of it. From your side, yes, of course, let go of it.

This doesn't mean to make excuses for another, however. You do not say: "He is tired. He works hard. He wasn’t looking where he was going. He forgot the time. He wasn’t thinking. He doesn’t know better." All this may well be true. Yet it is not necessary for you to make excuses and explain away that which, to, whatever degree, was hurtful. A dentist may have to cause you pain. As a human being, a dentist does not. No one has to be inconsiderate.

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What a Marvelous Journey!

God said:

With all My heart, I want you to know how loved you are, how bless-ed you are, how you are My One Beloved. Often I call you My Child, My Child of Love. You are My Child, and you are under My love, not merely My domination. And this is where Free Will comes into play.

It is not wholly that you are left to your own devices. Guardian angels, Who are beautiful rays of My energy, watch over you, stubborn you, who think you are on one journey when you are really on another. Surely, your journey is more than making a living, more than finding your fortune on Earth, more than building a house, more than what is called success. To live for the material world alone bores a hole in your heart, and you feel emptiness. All the gold of the world is not enough. All the accumulation of even knowledge is not enough.

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The Love of Which God Speaks

God said:

For those of you who find it hard to love, or to even relate to love when it comes to your own feelings, then never mind about love. Turn your thoughts of lack of love to fullness of appreciation. You are one who appreciates. When you feel appreciation, that is the love of which I speak, beloveds.

Just as gratefulness is a form of love, so is appreciation. Appreciation is strong, but it is not overwhelming. You don't make demands of appreciation as you do of love. You don't put violins around appreciation. You just let it be what it is. Love doesn't have to be high-flown either, yet you have expectations you draw around love, as if it has to be a great crescendo, a once-in-a-lifetime sunrise, an eclipse of everyday emotion, an entry into a musical!

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Peace Unto You

God said:

I am telling you that it is not essential for you to be upset by what occurs in life. I understand you find things upsetting. Everyone finds certain things upsetting. What I am saying is that it is not necessary to let so many events get to you. I am suggesting that perhaps you can cut down on what you allow to upset you. Will you consider this as a favor to Me?

Your balance does not have to go off-kilter as often as it does. If you must get upset, perhaps you can ration upset and keep it for only special occasions?

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When Your Heart Is Full of Love

God said:

Life doesn't need preparation, beloveds. Life is not meant to be work. Nor is cooking meant to be work. From shopping to cleaning up, cooking is meant to be the easy giving of love. You already know that with love, cooking and everything else become easy. Wow, the energy love gives you. Beloveds, you could cook for the whole world when your love is on.

What is hard when love is filling your heart? What is hard about the moon pulling the tide? What is hard about a mother's nursing her child? What is hard to learn when you love, and learning fills your heart.

Nothing is hard with love. Whatever makes love hard for you to express is not love. It is something else that blocks love. Love would block nothing. Love would rush to everything.

When your heart is full of love, disappointment does not take away the love. Love is its own force. Love already knows it is not dependent upon outside factors. Love is its own king and its own servant. Love knows how to love with or without certain circumstances. Love is its own commander and its own soldier, yet love does not give orders. Love simply bursts its borders and goes everywhere. Love is like a rocket, a multi-targeted rocket.

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Representing Your Self

God said:

Every day I begin our talk with what I say. Today, I ask you, What do you say? What do you say about love and life? Hmm, what do you teach, and what do you proclaim? What do you offer the Universe, and what would you take away? What kind of an alchemist do you choose to be?

Enough complaints that you consider to be prayer. Now let Me hear what you are doing, how you put two and two together and draw a happy face. What are the ways in which you serve Me in the world? How you serve another is how you serve Me, so I am asking you how you serve life to others? What dust do you stir up? What are you thinking, what do you say, and what are you meaning to do?

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Notice God Today

God said:
It has been said that you need peace and quiet in order to commune with Me. That is incorrect. Commune with Me, and you will have peace and quiet. There is nothing you have to be in order to commune with Me except but what you already are, right in this moment. There is no need to dress up for Me. There is no need to lower the radio. Lights do not need to be turned on or off for me. If circumstances are not the making of you, they certainly are not the making of Me. No conditions are needed for Me to appear to you.

When you are in noise, you can hear Me. When you are in distress, you can hear Me. My silence is enough for all of Us. My silence is powerful enough for Us all. My silence is a very strong vibration.

You have the capability of My same vibration, but you need not wait until We resonate in order to hear Me. Hear Me, and you will resonate.


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