~Thank You For Participating in the Divine Plan~ Internet Love Party NOW! YeeHAW

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 Greetings Love Beings, The Divine Plan is Unfolding Brilliantly On Planet Earth=Heart. Thank You for Participating In your Part and Role By Gathering With The Family of Light Today via the Internet Love Party! Join US NOW and Gather Your Brothers and SIsters. Unity HAS WON.




Join US NOW Via The above Link and Thank You for Sharing and Passing this Love Invitation ON. The More Who Gather The Brighter and Closer Our Craft Become.


Prepare Yourself You Will Be Entering Unity Consciousness! You Will Be, effected by this Energy. Love is Contagious.



United We Stand! LOVE WINS


The Disclosure Song

Aluna Joy ~ Finding True North ~ Stonehenge

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Aluna Joy ~ Finding True North ~ Stonehenge

Posted by Gillian

 August 29 2012

Aluna Joy Yaxk’in, The Star Elders, AA Michael and the Stonehenge Guardians

More photos of this pilgrimage can bee seen on Facebook

The following is the 7th message that we received in Avalon (England and Scotland) this past June/July 2012 over Solstice. You can find our other messages on our website atwww.alunajoy.com under the Articles for Planetary Transformation

As we enter the site Stonehenge, there is a big sun dog (sun rainbow) around the sun. The Hopi say that a sun dog is an auspicious sign. There is also a magical pyramid cloud formation in the sky. This was the first time I have felt the stones connect with us. This is an unexpected gift.

Aluna begins by explaining the basics re: Stonehenge. . .

The sun, when it rises on solstice morning, goes through the rock circle on the east side and lights up the Heel Stone (the rock on the west side). This is why the Heel Stone is so important. But just now . . . the Star Elders shifted my perception and helped me realized something. So I hope you can follow this: the Heal Stone solstice marker is working now. The sun in solstice sunrise is illuminating the Heel Stone. This is not a big deal until you place this in the context of what they want me to tell you next.

Enlightened Beings ~ Laugh Your Way To Abundance And Freedom

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Enlightened Beings ~ Laugh Your Way To Abundance And Freedom

Posted on August 29, 2012 by Gillian

Jafree Ozwald | August 29 2012

When was the last time you experienced a deep belly laugh? Laughter not only feels good, it also produces a powerful manifesting energy that will literally shift your ability to attract what you desire. When you laugh, your aura literally expands, and the entire energetic field connected to this bio-magnetic field opens up to greater abundance, love, health, and infinite possibilities that exist in the world around you. The light carefree energy of laughter is like a “happy magnet” which will only attract more joyful experiences to you. You tend to attract whatever it is you need in a natural and effortless way.

“At the height of laughter, the Universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.” ~ Jean Houston

If seriousness is a disease to the soul, then genuine laughter is the cure. If someone is facing a serious life situation, perhaps even a life threatening disease, the energy of laughter is what creates a healing response. There are documented scientific cases about people who have laughed their cancers away, and returned their bodies to perfect health. Laughing causes the body to produce the antibodies which boost the immune system and fight off all diseases. So even though a serious life situation may seem like you should become even more serious, just the opposite is true. Serious attitudes create serious problems, and a serious mind only creates more feelings of limitation and fear in ones consciousness, which dramatically lowers your ability to manifest what you want.

“Laugh and your life will be lengthened for this is the great secret of long life.” ~ Og Mandino


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by Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Please also read update from 21.8.12

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

This message has been sitting now for more than a week in the  draft folder. But now seems to be the right moment to publish it! 

There is always a perfect time for everything. And so this time of waiting, supported by the enormous showers of light, providing for us a high frequency environment, is the perfect moment for us to prepare ourselves in the best possible way to be able to participate in this glorious process of evolution. 
But to prepare individually to the optimum degree, I feel it is necessary that we know the options, we can choose from. Because we might have forgotten what we wanted to accomplish, before we arrived here. I have been offering options which are not very much known in the New Age movement, such as the discussion of Divine Consciousness, which transcends mere limited human consciousness. As humanity in general has been deprived from true spiritual knowledge for so long, Ultimate Wisdom Teachings are only known to a relatively few, because we are so brainwashed that we hardly imagine and reach out for them, convinced that they don't exist.
However I felt moved to give my readers at least a small glimpse of the Highest Wisdom Teachings, available to mankind in many of my publications, (e.g.hereherehere, and here, and many more), because we all can accept that the solution for a problem (here: the present desolate state of our spaceship earth) is always found on a higher level than the problem itself.
In my humble understanding the ascension process is only part of humanity's total spiritual development and evolution. And the general New Age philosophy does mostly not include and invite our deepest Self into the picture, which is Pure Radiant Divine Consciousness. New Age philosophy only allows, with very few exceptions, a definition of the human being that is limited to a body-mind, let this body-mind be even more subtle in the higher dimensions! 

Don’t be sucked in

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Don’t be sucked in…

Posted on August 29, 2012 


I know I have written about this many times before, but I feel it is imperative that we pay close attention from here on out as the dark forces are working overtime to capture our attention and pull us in. Go turn on your TV set as an example. Every station you go to is hyping up storm Issac like it is a cat 5 hurricane! FEAR!!! Talk about crying wolf! They are desperate to promote fear any way they can. Sure these storms can create dangerous flooding no question about it, but requiring round the clock fear mongering? I think not! Perhaps close coverage on TV stations in the immediate areas of landfall, but the entire country need not be hounded with this fear mongering. The capture is subtle if we are just waking up, obvious and outlandish if we are awake! The point of the capture is to keep us in fear and in a weakened state. Do not be sucked in. We have been told how and what to think for so long now many seem incapable of thinking for themselves. This is a very dangerous place to be in.

What is difficult for you now, you shall wear proudly in the future. – Michael by GLR Ron Head

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What is difficult for you now, you shall wear proudly in the future. – Michael by GLR Ron Head

August 29, 2012 

photo by Roxana Asanageanu


Spanish          Portuguese

Good day to all whom these messages reach.  Our unconditional love and blessings to all are yours on this and every day.

We are gratified that, despite the discomfort some are feeling at this time, you continue to forge ahead.  These experiences are the lessons you will be able to point to when it is your turn to help others find their way.  What is difficult for you now, you shall wear proudly in the future that is not long now in coming.

Some are asking for relief, a lessening of the stress and pain, when it becomes too much for them.  This can be, and is being provided.  There is no shame in this.  It is also possible that wholeheartedly throwing one’s self into the process will provide much joy and instant relief.  Only your heart can tell you whether this is true for you.  It is a point, we tell you, that you shall reach when it is right for you.

Tampa-Area Police Are Prepared for So Many Protesters They Cleared Out an Entire Jail to Make Room

Rain's picture

The Blaze
August 26, 2012, by Jonathon M. Seidl

If you had any doubt about what the Tampa police were expecting for the GOP convention next week, look no further than the local Hillsborough County jail. There, police have cleared out an entire jail in preparation for the influx of protesters they’re expecting to arrest. In fact, the temporary facility has been outfitted with a command center, a court room, and even a medical facility.

Colonel Jim Previtera told WFTS-TV that the jail is preparing for up to 1,000 new arrests.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit TheBlaze.com.

Swiss bank employee arrested in data theft case

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The Miami Herald
AP, 8/26/12

BERLIN -- Swiss private bank Julius Baer says a Zurich-based employee has been arrested on suspicion of stealing confidential client information that was later passed to German tax investigators.

Bank spokesman Jan Vonder Muehll confirmed a report Sunday by Swiss weekly SonntagsZeitung about the case.

To read the rest of this story, visit miamiherald.com.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/08/26/2968952/swiss-bank-employee-arrested-in.html#storylink=cpy

Ex-RBS trader details bank's Libor fixing

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Rachel Armstrong, August 23, 2012

A former dealer for the Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC has provided fresh details on how traders at the British bank tried to influence Libor rates, court documents filed in Singapore show.

Tan Chi Min, who is suing RBS for wrongful dismissal, alleges that the bank's minutes of his disciplinary meeting held in September last year did not accurately reflect what was discussed and omitted details of conversations about how traders at the bank tried to influence RBS's interbank lending rate submissions.

To read the rest of this story, visit In.Reuters.com.

Hurricane Isaac makes 2nd landfall ; 'deep flooding' expected after overtopping at levee

Rain's picture

U.S. News on NBC News

By Miguel Llanos, August 29, 2012

The Dunbar Pier on the bay side of the Bay St. Louis peninsula was rebuilt in 2007 after Katrina completely destroyed the original. The sign notifying the public of the pier's expansion was swamped Tuesday.

Updated at 5:06 a.m. ET Wednesday: The center of Hurricane Isaac made its second landfall in southeastern Louisiana early Wednesday, officials said.

The storm hit just west of Port Fourchon, La., with maximum sustained winds of 80 mph at around 2:15 a.m. local time (3:15 a.m. ET), according to aircraft and radar data from the National Hurricane Center.

Heavenletter #4296 Be a Knight in Shining Armor, August 29, 2012

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Heavenletter #4296 Be a Knight in Shining Armor, August 29, 2012 


God said: 


There is a world of difference between understanding and judgment. Understanding doesn't mean admiring. It means understanding. With understanding comes a certain realization that the so-called other person before you is doing the best he can. Whether doctor, merchant, beggarman, thief, the person before you is doing the best he can at this moment. He really doesn't know better, even if you think he should. Here's the thing: There is a portion of your psyche that visits where that person is, and, so, you dislike where that person is. You dislike another's affront more than you would if you did not contain within you, no matter how residual, what the other person reflects to you.


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