AdiGaia's blog

Disclosure - AND Contact- is in the hands of We The People

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January 1, 2015


Dear Friends and Supporters,


I would like to thank all of your for your support during the past year....


 In every case, these very senior officials had no access to or knowledge of projects and operations that we have proven to exist that deal with UFOs and ETs.  As the CIA Director said: "How can we Disclose that which we have no access to?".


This means Disclosure - AND Contact- is in the hands of We The People.  The acknowledged leaders of government rarely if ever have access to the deep-black Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPs) dealing with UFOs.  The public is led to believe, by an ever-lying media- that the chain of command is intact and no such projects could exist. But in truth, these USAPs are deeply hidden and compartmented and operate completely illegally and unconstitutionally. They constitute a shadowy international Fourth Branch of government that, frankly, does as it pleases.


It is time for Wave Two of this process:


New Foundations

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Visualize a gigantic ying/yang wheel and see it beginning to turn. Symbolically this is what has happened these few days since the solstice. This giant yin/yang wheel is Gaia herself and she has finally united her own male/female aspects in love and joy. This is a process that is just in the early stages of movement, but the first thing she has done is thrown off all energies that are not in male/female balance. Now these balanced energies begin to spin and to create and to move us from where we now find ourselves to our true places within the universe. Those of us that are linked to Gaia will take this journey with her.

The energies of this solstice have not been like the energies of any previous solstice. Prior to this spiritual light came into this world from the galactic center during the solstice and this spiritual light was not balanced male/female but almost pure male energy that was to merge with the almost pure female energy of Gaia and all living things. This time the mixed male/female energy comes from the heart of Gaia herself as it bursts forth from her very core and embraces all living things. This is a very different energy following a very different pathway.

* * *

It Has Begun -- Galactic Transmission from Home

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It Has Begun



Galactic Transmission from Home
We know that there are many levels of that simple statement, so we will give you more details. What has begun is the removal of those who have stood in the way of your joy of ascension since the time leading up to the fall of Atlantis.
Atlantis was to serve as an opener of Portals so that the next 13,000 years would lead up to Planetary Ascension. It was the Divine Plan that there would be myriad personal ascensions when Gaia was “at the back door” of the Galactic Center.
Unfortunately, that was not the case because Atlantis fell into great darkness. Many of you died in service during that time and carried that wounding through out the next 13,000 years of your incarnations.

Worse yet, the dark ones, the Brothers of Biel, appeared to have won the battle between light and dark and great planetary destruction reigned for many millennia. The dark ones had successfully culled the herd, by killing millions of humans. This “culling of the herd” was the dark ones intention.

However, during your current era YOU, the Forces of Light, have won!

The Soulstice Gateway - 12/18/2014

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...the shifting brings a beautiful New World. So you are encouraged to use the Power of the Soulstice to shift your view into seeing the Beauty rather than the destruction. As you shift your perception, you then are one of the many who are bringing Heaven to Earth.

The Soulstice (I use this term to suggest that the Solstice is more of a merging with Soul, which it is) brings about an energy in which our ‘inner” creates our “outer” in a more powerful way. It is true that who you are inside is what and how you experience your outer world and this will be more powerfully obvious in 2015 and what this Soulstice Gateway helps with.


EarthStarRace Ascension

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The Earth and Sun are now aligned with the Galactic Core, and the ascension upgrades for EarthStarRace members are now available to download by requesting one's higher self to do so while one is in a quiet state for a few minutes.


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