God said:
Whether the people you are talking about are right here with you or not, speak well of them as if they were right in front of you, or be still. Perhaps you think you are sparing people’s feelings by waiting for them to leave the room before you speak.
Remind yourselves, beloveds, one reason you are here on Earth is to upgrade the world. You are meant to inspire. Do you think that your words reach only so far as the hearing range of your words? Even your thoughts unspoken are powerful. They reach across the whole Universe. There is no distance, beloveds. Distance is a fallacy among many others. You can make remarks behind someone's back, yet your words resound across the Universe. Your words reach everywhere.
Make your words match a truly friendly smile. Be a friend to the world and to everyone in the world. Take no pot shots. Heighten the vibration of the world. No exceptions. Don’t mock any other as if this were a sport to engage in.
Bless every country in the world. Bless every politician. Bless every child. Bless. What more can you do, beloveds? There is plenty less you can do and have done. Now you know better, so now do better. Refrain from remarks. Burst into song. Shed bright light and mean it.
All people on Earth are looking for their light to be lit. Light up the world you are witness to. Do away with the critic part of you that discerns jokes at someone's expense. Treat yourself to Life without shadows of discomfort. You are a far greater influence in the world than you allow yourself to see.