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How to Be a Light to the World

God said:

Whether the people you are talking about are right here with you or not, speak well of them as if they were right in front of you, or be still. Perhaps you think you are sparing people’s feelings by waiting for them to leave the room before you speak.

Remind yourselves, beloveds, one reason you are here on Earth is to upgrade the world. You are meant to inspire. Do you think that your words reach only so far as the hearing range of your words? Even your thoughts unspoken are powerful. They reach across the whole Universe. There is no distance, beloveds. Distance is a fallacy among many others. You can make remarks behind someone's back, yet your words resound across the Universe. Your words reach everywhere.

Make your words match a truly friendly smile. Be a friend to the world and to everyone in the world. Take no pot shots. Heighten the vibration of the world. No exceptions. Don’t mock any other as if this were a sport to engage in.

Bless every country in the world. Bless every politician. Bless every child. Bless. What more can you do, beloveds? There is plenty less you can do and have done. Now you know better, so now do better. Refrain from remarks. Burst into song. Shed bright light and mean it.

All people on Earth are looking for their light to be lit. Light up the world you are witness to. Do away with the critic part of you that discerns jokes at someone's expense. Treat yourself to Life without shadows of discomfort. You are a far greater influence in the world than you allow yourself to see.

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Small Victory in Indonesia as Rainforests Returned to Indigenous Control

Vic Bishop, Staff Writer
Waking Times

When government controls a resource, that resource will be sold to the highest corporate bidder and will be exploited at the expense of any plants, animals or people living in the area. The battle for stewardship of our forests is one of the most important questions of our time, and in Indonesia, home to a significant portion of the world’s remaining rainforests, control of a number of disputed areas was recently returned to the indigenous populations which inhabit them.

As European colonialism in the 1800’s overtook the thousands of sprawling islands which now make up Indonesia, Dutch state rule over the millions of acres of forests in the region was hotly disputed, even flatly rejected, by many of the native tribes in the region. Having been a region of intense conflict for generations, a recent move by Indonesia’s President Joko Widodo will end clashes over this matter by returning authority of some rainforest areas to indigenous people.

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Pesticides are NOT Needed to Feed the World, Says New UN Report

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer
Waking Times

The argument for the extreme overuse of agrichemicals in global industrial farming is that supposedly without the advances made by Monsanto and other chemical giants, the world would starve. We need products like glyphosate, terminator seeds and genetically modified foods to feed so many people, they say, but this is really nothing more than a popular myth, pushed on the public as part of a marketing effort to convince people who thousands of years of organic agricultural history is outdated and inadequate for the times we live in today.

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Awesome Invention Allows You To Bake Edible Spoons To Reduce Plastic Waste

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

A neat invention allows one to bake a set of four flavored spoons in just three to four minutes.

Because it’s so easy to use single-waste plastic, such as cutlery, plates, and cups, one rarely thinks twice before tossing the materials into the trash. It’s because of this, however, that the world is becoming increasingly burdened by plastic pollution.

According to statistics compiled by The World Counts, humanity’s wasteful habits are already wreaking havoc on the environment. In the North Pacific Ocean, for example, there is 6x more plastic debris than plankton. Additionally, 90% of the trash that floats in the oceans is made up of plastic (equating to 46,000 pieces per square mile). As materials composed of plastic slowly break down, they release toxins into the environment. The trash is also oftentimes ingested by animals and in some cases, traps innocent creatures such as turtles and fish.

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China Is Building The World’s First Migratory ‘Bird Airport’

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

The avian airport will offer sanctuary to the more than 50 million birds who journey along the East Asian-Australian Flyway each year.

While most modern architecture encroaches on wildlife habitats, the world’s first migratory ‘bird airport’ – to be built in Lingang, China – will do the exact opposite. Designed by McGregor Coxall, the wetland bird airport is to be constructed where a landfill is presently situated and will offer sanctuary to more than 50 million birds each year as they journey from the Antarctic along the East Asian-Australian Flyway (EAAF).

Reportedly, 1 in 5 globally endangered waterbirds presently uses the EAAF, and coastal urbanization continues to make the route increasingly dangerous. It’s for this reason that the Port of Tianjin sent out a call for international designers to design a wetland sanctuary for the migration birds. McGregor Coxall was one of many architecture firms who responded.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 8, 2017

As you consistently respond to yourself from a place of love and compassion, you automatically start to heal old wounds and reassure your way back into wholeness. It is showing up for yourself as your own loving guide, parent, and best friend. It is moving beyond abandonment into secure attachment and security.

When you start to love and nurture yourself, this will not mean that you do not need others. Far from it! It means that you will release others from the thought that they are responsible for your emotional state, which will allow you to show up for others from a space of giving rather than taking, honour rather than neediness, love rather than blame. This shift supports acceptance and unconditional love, ease and beingness with each other, and connection from a space of authenticity which is what you truly crave from each other.

Once you start to assume responsibility for self, this does not mean that you will not help another in need. Enlightening human beings are kind, tender-hearted and compassionate beings. You will, of course, assist each other if it is required, but the shift will be that it is done in a way that is empowering for all involved, which allows every single being to start to connect to their own divine capability.

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8 Ways The Global Elite Manipulate Our Perception of Reality

by Kalee Brown, Collective Evolution

We are all free-thinkers. We hold the ability to form our own opinions, daydream, overthink, critically think, and even conjure up tales of adventure and loss using our creative minds. Our minds are separate from the Self, so even though the mind is essentially an illusion, it can be thought to represent a portion of our individuality.

Have you ever thought about how much of your thoughts are truly and authentically your own? The fact of the matter is that we are subject to propaganda, false advertising, and other methods of manipulating our thoughts and perceptions every day. For a long time, the elite have used different tools to influence our thoughts and actions, a tactic often referred to as frequency control.

Here are 8 ways the elite manipulate our perception of reality:

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Growing Into…

How long have you been sitting in the light and cursing the darkness that may or may not exist in your reality? How often have you placed blame on circumstances and experiences in which you have put so much of your energy because doing so made/makes you feel ‘safe’ and ‘in control’ of your environment? How many times have you chosen to stay in your victim mode because it is easier than looking toward something brighter, different and better?
My darling, my love, my child; the time of change is upon you. Whether you remain static, stationary and stubborn (smiling – ‘one of my favorite human attributes’) or stand up, leap into and explore the light around you will always be your choice! The excuses you create to ‘sit this one out’ will, very shortly, no longer be a valid reason for denying the reason you are here…to grow into and become Love. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 3/7/2017

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I am not against sex. To me sex is as sacred as everything in life.

There is nothing profane, nothing sacred.

Life is one - all divisions are false.

And sex is the very center of life. So you have to understand what has been happening down the centuries. The moment you repress sex, your energy starts finding new ways to express itself.


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Daily Message ~ Tuesday March 7, 2017

You have had much contrast in the energies of late. While most of you understand the shifting, releasing, and integration process that is happening, you may not be aware of another purpose of such intense and differing energies. They teach you how to move with whatever the energies are supporting at any given time. This allows you to practice the new, more efficient way of navigating your path, which consists of riding the energetic waves and creating with grace and ease through flow.

During times of intensity, the energies insist upon certain things. The fatigue will be so strong that you can't help but lie down. You may feel so activated that you can't help but move around. You will be drawn to certain foods, to activities that soothe the soul. You will simply need to honour the phase you are in because nothing else will suffice.

This is a great teaching tool. It allows you to truly see how pushing against times that require rest is futile, and also how riding a wave of forward moving energy allows you to accomplish far more in a shorter amount of time. It shifts you out of the old paradigm of pushing through and doing something no matter what, into the new, wiser approach of waiting for the right energetic wave and then harnessing that universal energy to serve you and what you desire to achieve.


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