GFP Newsletter - 3/9/2017

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Love is your very being - how can you leave it? Wherever you are, you will breathe, your heart will beat. Everything is absolutely organic, united, one.


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Love Is in Bloom

God said:

When there is clutter in your mind, there may well be clutter in your Life. Dispense with clutter. Clean your plate. Clear your slate.

Are you more at peace in the world surrounded with objects just on principle? Do you dust these objects frequently? Do you admire them? Do you really treasure them? If they are not treasures to you, ask yourself why you covet them. What do these possessions mean to you, and why must you keep them? Are they like worry beads for you? They must mean something to you, but what?

Everything on Earth is an idea. Everything you fumble with is an idea. Could collecting possibly be a way to help you forget who you really and truly are? Surrounding yourselves with things could be a way to block yourself from your True Self who ascends far higher than the surface of Life. It's possible that attachment is a way to distract yourself.

You, who are a powerful Being, may veil yourself with all manner of things. You collect. You may even scurry to collect. Love human Beings, beloveds.

Beloveds, get away from hoarding anyway. Give instead. Certainly, do not hoard Love. Circulate Love. Love is not a distraction. Love is IT. Love is alive and moving. Love does not sit on a shelf. Love is always. Love is omnipresent. Living is meant to be about Loving and nothing but Love.

You don’t conjure up Love. You expand Love. Love is fluid. Love moves. There is nothing more vital than Love. Love gives. Love does not take away.

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Food Sourced From Biodynamic Farms “Tastes Better” According To Farmers - TruthTheory

by Jess Murray Truth Theory

Biodynamic farming is becoming increasingly more common within the United States, but what does biodynamic really mean, and is it more effective than organic farming?

John Chester, a filmmaker from California, quit his job to become a farmer with his wife, Molly. They now run a 213-acre biodynamic and organic farm in Moorpark, California, and have since been recognised by the National Wildlife Federation and the North American Butterfly Association for supporting such a huge array of wildlife, which is a recognition that is seldom given to farms. Chester said, “I’m trying to feed my neighbors – and if everyone did that, we would be able to replicate this.”

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What If You Could Trade Your Skills With Others For Goods & Services Without The Use Of Money?

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Back in the day, not even that long ago really, people would trade services with each other. Maybe Jim Bob was an excellent mechanic and Mary Lou could make nice warm quilts. If they both needed the service that the other was able to offer, they would do a trade. This way, no money was needed and both parties got what they wanted. When exactly did we stop working for each other, and for corporations?

Everyone has something to offer, but not everyone has the same skillset. What if we could trade our skills for services or things that we need, without the use or need for money? We could certainly start to do this right now with our neighbours, friends and family members. Now, thanks to technology, this idea is easier than ever and you can become a part of this new amazing network known as Simbi.

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This Elementary School Banned Homework And The Results Were Amazing

by Brianna Acuesta, True Activist

When Mark Trifilio, Principal of the public pre-K-5th grade Orchard School in Vermont, took a good look at his students and the way they were learning, he realized that the inconsistencies with assigning homework might be hindering students rather than helping them. Since different teachers in the same grade often have separate lesson plans and homework goals, the children were being unfairly subjected to varying homework loads that weighed them down.

After considering the issue for quite some time, and taking a look at some studies that suggested that homework might not be necessary, he decided to take it up with the school’s 40 educators at a meeting prior to the beginning of the school year. He put the decision up for a vote and was astonished at the response: all 40 unanimously voted in favor of doing away with homework.

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For All To See

You may sit, think and shake your head wondering, ‘Where has human decency, kindness and courtesy gone?’  To be honest, dear one, I do that myself on occasion. (smiling) But, then I look a little more closely and see it in moments that shine brighter than the stars!  Each one produces light and that light shoots beams into the Heavens; each prayer, each act of kindness, each time you are truly decent to another human being.  It is there and an amazing sight to behold!  Today, you are invited to go out into your world and create a light big enough for The Universe to see! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Thursday March 9, 2017

Dear Ones, remember each and every person's soul journey is unique. You all have different speeds, different paths, different gifts and abilities, different areas of service that draw you. There is no one size fits all path to enlightenment!

You are all having individual experiences for a reason. Your diversity serves the whole and supports the shift on your planet. We urge you to stop making each other (or yourselves) wrong for your paths and service and to start celebrating how brilliantly it is all unfolding, to reach and support a vast area of space and people, as you all evolve into shining your brightest light and purpose. ~Archangel Gabriel

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A New Kind of Revolution

by Will Stanton , The Mind Unleashed

Take a step back for a minute and look at the state humanity is in.

80% of the world’s population live below the poverty line. Homeless people line the streets everywhere you go. One fifth of the world’s largest rainforest, the Amazon, has been cut down to make way for industrial farming, and is continuing to be destroyed. War is rife in the Middle East with over 5 million refugees desperately seeking (or having sought) asylum in other countries. The United States and its allies continue greasing the palms of the oil, coal, and coal seam gas industries, even though the world is crying out for renewable energy solutions to be rolled out globally. After one of the biggest nuclear disasters in history in Fukushima, Japan, that put the rest of the world at risk of nuclear contamination, Japan’s Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, decided that instead of pulling out of nuclear energy production, he would continue to invest in the nuclear energy program. The education system still continues to churn out obedient workers and stifle the creative instincts of our children. Our so-called ‘world leaders’ insist they’re bent on change, yet continue to value the needs of the economy over the needs of humanity and the needs of our dying planet.

Something has to change. We can’t sit back and watch the world burn.

We need a revolution…

GFP Newsletter - 3/8/2017

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Energy has to move. It can take a religious way; then the priests are happy. It can become academic; then the academicians are happy. It can become scientific; then the scientists are happy. It has to become something - that's why sex-repressive societies have developed in so many directions. Yes, they have become very cultured, polished, civilized, educated, scientific, technological. But at what cost?

They have lost all joy. They have lost all peace. They have lost all silence. They have lost all love.

You can project your love towards an imaginary object but it is not going to give you fulfillment.

You can go on writing poetry about Krishna or Christ, but that poetry is not going to give you the experience of love. You will remain starved. So the society has become really rich in every possible way - but the individual has died. And what is the point of the society becoming cultured, civilized, educated, technological? For whom?

The individual is dead.



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