God said:
Note the Beauty in the World today. Wherever you look, see something beautiful. Beauty does lie in the Eyes of the Beholder. Consciousness lies within you. If you do not see Beauty, it is you who is not seeing Beauty. You are the Beholder. Now, behold.
If today you do not see Beauty, look again.
At the very least, feast your eyes on every new day. A new day arises. You can also arise with new blessings today, new blessings that you give. Bless anew.
Love this world, this contrary world. Love it wherever you look. See the Beauty and love it.
See great courage. Be great gratitude for the new day I send to you with all the Love in My Heart. Think of it, I send you a new day every single day with Love. The sky is fresh and new. Be you fresh and new. Behold your new self. I renew you today. Now, renew the world while you look at it. Give the world Love, and you and the world are renewed.
Love is your gift, and Love is your sustenance. There is unending Love from you to circulate. All Love comes from Me. Pass it on. Say hello. Extend a welcome to this new day. Without fail, I bequeath each new day to you. To everyone, and to you, I bequeath this day. Find joy within this day from wherever you look. Capture the Love. Capture the Joy. Make the Love and the Joy and the Beauty your very own. I promise you a new day every day. Promise Me you will behold each new day as a New Blessing. This is how you fulfill My Desires for you.
Pay attention to the Beauty that surrounds you. Lap it up.