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There’s A Massive Never-Before-Seen Explosion Of Minerals & Crystals Happening On Earth Right Now

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

There’s no doubt that humans have made quite an impact on Planet Earth, especially due to global development. Now, scientists have identified an explosion of newly formed minerals created as a direct result of our influence on the chemical makeup of the planet.

What’s most intriguing about this is that never before has a species defined their existence by creating new, naturally forming minerals.

“This is a spike of mineral novelty that is so rapid – most of it in the last 200 years, compared to the 4.5bn year history of Earth. There is nothing like it in Earth’s history,” study team member Robert Hazen from the Carnegie Institution for Science told The Guardian“This is a blink of an eye, it is just a surge and of course we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg.”

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X DARPA Director & Google Exec Pushes Microchipping Human Beings

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

With the recent revelations by NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden, it’s no secret that we live on a planet characterized by mass surveillance and virtually zero privacy. We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with the idea that we face threats, that a high level of national security is needed in order to keep us safe. Think about it, the United States pumps a large majority of their money into the Department of Defense. A state of fear, war and terror is needed to keep those funds flowing in that direction. Many people are starting to wake up and realize a lot of the so called threats we face and have been facing are largely manufactured and fabricated in order to justify a specific agenda, agendas that deal with the black budget world.

GFP Newsletter - 3/10/2017

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So on one hand are the aboriginals - alive but not overflowingly alive. They don't know that life energy can shrink, can expand. You can use it as it is available from nature - and you can be contented - but you will remain poor in many ways. You will not know flights of music. You will not know flights of painting and sculpture; you will not know flights of meditation. You will live almost like animals - contented.

All animals are contented. Have you seen any animals discontented, bothering you, saying, "My life is just a misery - can you help me? What am I supposed to do with my wife? And the children are growing up ...." No, there are no problems for them. They are living, and living far better than your civilized man, because your civilized man has ceased living. He sacrificed himself for civilization, culture, technology.

I cannot choose between these two.

I would like you to rise higher than the animals; and the only way to rise higher than the animals is to find ways to expand your energy.

And that's what I call religion: The science of expanding energy, so that you have so much energy that you can be a Zorba and yet so much is left that you can be a Buddha too, together, simultaneously.


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See the Beauty

God said:

Note the Beauty in the World today. Wherever you look, see something beautiful. Beauty does lie in the Eyes of the Beholder. Consciousness lies within you. If you do not see Beauty, it is you who is not seeing Beauty. You are the Beholder. Now, behold.

If today you do not see Beauty, look again.

At the very least, feast your eyes on every new day. A new day arises. You can also arise with new blessings today, new blessings that you give. Bless anew.

Love this world, this contrary world. Love it wherever you look. See the Beauty and love it.

See great courage. Be great gratitude for the new day I send to you with all the Love in My Heart. Think of it, I send you a new day every single day with Love. The sky is fresh and new. Be you fresh and new. Behold your new self. I renew you today. Now, renew the world while you look at it. Give the world Love, and you and the world are renewed.

Love is your gift, and Love is your sustenance. There is unending Love from you to circulate. All Love comes from Me. Pass it on. Say hello. Extend a welcome to this new day. Without fail, I bequeath each new day to you. To everyone, and to you, I bequeath this day. Find joy within this day from wherever you look. Capture the Love. Capture the Joy. Make the Love and the Joy and the Beauty your very own. I promise you a new day every day. Promise Me you will behold each new day as a New Blessing. This is how you fulfill My Desires for you.

Pay attention to the Beauty that surrounds you. Lap it up.

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Iceland Knows How To Stop Teen Substance Abuse But The Rest Of The World Isn’t Listening

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

I think it’s safe to say that most teenagers have tried and/or abused alcohol or illegal drugs, yet teen substance abuse rarely gets the attention it needs. Drugs and alcohol have a more detrimental effect on the underdeveloped brain, particularly since teens lack the ability to adequately assess risk, making them more likely to overindulge in substances. It’s this same lack that explains why people tend to be braver and more open to trying new experiences as teens than as adults. But this courage comes at a cost, as teens cannot adequately assess the risks of the substances they are taking. And schools aren’t doing nearly enough to educate them.

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Breaking: House Passes $578 Billion Military Spending Bill

By: Jason Ditz, AntiWar 

The House of Representatives today voted 371-48, with massive majorities in both parties, in favor of another $578 billion military spending bill to cover the remainder of fiscal year 2017. The bill now moves on to the Senate, where it again is expected to easily pass.

The exact meaning of the figures is a little difficult to understand this time around, because Congress had already passed a military spending bill for fiscal year 2017 back in December, which was $611 billion. That bill was only ever intended to be a fraction of what was to be spent, aiming to give way to a second “emergency” bill before April, which is today’s bill, which would cover the rest of the year. That said, there is a lot of overlap between the two and the overall budget is not just a matter of adding the two together.

Indeed, the $578 billion one voted on today probably will be bigger by the time it gets signed, with President Trump seeking to add another $30 billion, which is meant to be a first step toward what he promises will be a 9% increase in spending in fiscal year 2018.

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Daily Message ~ Friday March 10, 2017

Dear Ones, the more you move through your enlightenment process, the more you operate from a space of surrender and flow, moving easily with the subtle bumps and nudges of the universe.

This allows you to effortlessly find your way into the right time/right place scenarios that serve your highest good. It also allows you to be easily moved into intersections with others that need your help, your kindness, or guidance.

You become part of that divine flow of the universe, serving and being served, having prayers answered and being the answer to a prayer, which allows you to experience your highest expression of self and the joy that comes from surrendering into being of your highest service. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Probiotics In Yogurt Reverse Depression Symptoms

by Mae Chan, PreventDisease.com

Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have reversed depression symptoms in mice by feeding them Lactobacillus, a probiotic bacteria found in live-cultures yogurt. Further, they have discovered a specific mechanism for how the bacteria affect mood, providing a direct link between the health of the gut microbiome and mental health.

There are over 400 species of bacteria in your belly right now that can be the key to health or disease.

Broken down, the word probiotic means "for life" or "promoting life." While it sounds good, you still may wonder: are probiotics just another gimmick, or is there some science behind mental health benefits?

Based on their findings, the researchers are optimistic that their discovery will hold true in people and are planning to confirm their findings in patients with depression.

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Top 15 Discoveries & Implications of Wikileaks CIA Vault 7 - So Far

Makia Freeman, Contributor
Waking Times

Vault 7 has been the subject of a curious and cryptic set of tweets from Wikileaks over the course of the past month or so. Now we know why. In bombshell news, in the greatest leak in Wikileaks history, in the greatest leak in CIA history, a total of 8,761 documents has been released in a series that has been dubbed Vault 7. Even for seasoned conspiracy researchers, the documents are fascinating and horrible at the same time. It confirms the suspicions and knowledge of many investigators. Now we have the proof to substantiate our hunches and intuition. The CIA has been caught with its pants down: spying on its citizens, bypassing encryption to steal their messages, hacking into their electronic devices to listen on their conversations, using US consulates abroad to conduct spying operations, remotely hacking into vehicles (to perform undetectable assassinations) and much more.


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