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Neuroscience + Buddhism Uncovers How “Mindfulness” & “Open Focus” Can Drastically Change Your Life

by Sarah Gulland, Collective Evolution

Mindfulness is defined as an attention training which can benefit health and general well-being. There is a lot scientific research confirming it. It usually takes weeks to practice Mindfulness before experiencing noticeable benefits. In this article I will present you the other type of attention training called Open Focus. I believe, combining these two approaches may help to understand attention training better and to experience its benefits faster.

What Is Mindfulness?

In its most basic form, Mindfulness means to pay attention to what’s happening, on purpose, in the present moment, and to do so without judgement. Originally from Buddhist roots, it was introduced into the West by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zin and the University of Massachusetts. Since its appearance in the West around twenty years ago, many people have participated in the Mindfulness based stress reduction course and similar programs. Research shows that participants may experience profound benefits such as reduced stress, a greater sense of well-being, increased clarity and focus, and improved sleeping patterns.

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New Testing Has Found Potentially Harmful Levels Of Pesticides In US Honey - TruthTheory

By Jess Murray Truth Theory

A study has found evidence of a pesticide that is linked to cancer within samples of honey.

After facing public pressure to test samples of US food for presence of the pesticide, the Food and Drug Administration found new evidence of residues from the weed killer glyphosate within honey. All of the samples that the FDA recently tested contained glyphosate residues, and some of the honey showed levels that were double the limit that is allowed in the European Union, according to documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request. There is currently no legal tolerance level for glyphosate in honey in the United States.

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Marijuana Has Been Named “The Super Antibiotic” Of The Future - TruthTheory

By Jess Murray Truth Theory

Marijuana has the potential to stop MRSA, according to studies. Dr. Keiji Fukuda, the Assistant Director General for the World Health Organization’s Health Security department, has explained that antibiotic resistant bacteria are now one of the top health concerns in the world, as “common infections and minor injuries, which have been treatable for decades, can once again kill”. The creation of “superbugs” have emerged from the antibiotics that were designed to treat them initially. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) causes over 10,000 deaths each year, according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and is a direct by-product of the overuse of antibiotics.

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Massive Corruption Scandal Exposes 65 Elite Bankers & Former International Monetary Fund (IMF) Chief

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

Corrupt banking is nothing new, but it’s incredibly detrimental, which is why, in many countries it is taken seriously by their respective governments. It harms the livelihoods, economies, and democracies of countries. It ensures poor countries remain poor, promotes conflict and instability, and kicks weak environments to the ground.

The most recent example of corrupt baking comes out of Spain, where former head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Rodrigo Rato received four years and six months behind bars for embezzlement during his time heading Caja Madrid and Bankia, which were both having difficulties at the time.

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Daily Message ~ Monday March 13, 2017

It is very common for enlightening human beings to be far more comfortable with giving than receiving. It is because you are beings service, on the planet to make a difference. The more you enlighten, the more you understand that being of your highest service is your greatest joy.

But only giving is not being surrendered to the flow, for the flow will bring you opportunities to both give and receive. It is through being willing to receive that you allow the universe to support and guide you. It also lovingly gives others the opportunity to experience the joy of giving and being of service, as well.

You will find true balance on your path when you can effortlessly give and receive, knowing both are part of the ebb and flow of the universe, and essential to the full experience each soul is seeking to have. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Italian Band Jailed And Deported After Trying To Enter The U.S. To Play Free Shows

by Brianna Acuesta, True Activist

The band did not pose a threat, but they were jailed and deported like criminals.

Popular Italian trio Soviet Soviet was detained by U.S. Customs and Border Protection late last week after arriving in Seattle to perform in one of their first scheduled shows in the U.S. this week. Though the band was told by their American label, Felte Records, that their shows in the U.S. would be strictly promotional and they wouldn’t be receiving any monetary compensation for their performances, Customs and Border Protection did not agree with their use of ESTA.

ESTA, which is also referred to as the Visa Waiver Program, is typically used by foreign bands entering the U.S. only when their performances are going to be unpaid. If the band will be receiving compensation for their shows, they are usually required to obtain a regular work visa. Felte Records provided a letter to confirm that Soviet Soviet would not be receiving any money, but this was not accepted by Customs and Border Protection.

GFP Newsletter - 3/12/2017

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My people have to keep the innocence of the Zorbas, of the children, of the aboriginals. They have to be as innocent as Adam was when he was turned out of the garden of Eden.

And yet they have to learn methods of expanding the seed of consciousness in them to such a luxurious growth, that as far as you can see, you can see only yourself flowering. You can feel your fragrance twenty-four hours a day; and not only can you feel it, you cannot help it: you will have to share it. Whether you want to or not, that does not matter.

When a roseflower opens, the fragrance starts spreading. It does not ask the permission of the roseflower, there is no need. The very opening of the roseflower is the permission for the fragrance to spread to all the directions, to all the winds.

The moment your consciousness flowers in meditation there is a tremendous explosion.


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Life Teaches You to Open Your Heart

God said:

You are to respect everyone on Earth. Respect does not mean feeling sorry for someone. Feeling sorry for someone isn’t respect whatsoever. Who are you to feel sorry for someone? Who are you to feel superior to anyone else? It is not for you to feel superior to anyone. Think well of yourself and be a blessing. Do not knock anyone. Do not mock anyone. Not once more.

Never again do I want to see you make fun of another and his way of life. I have seen you sneer at some others on occasion. I have seen you make a face behind someone’s back. No, this is not My desire for you, nor is it desirable from any angle. There is no justifying this manner of mocking or being condescending to another human being who, like you, struggles on Earth. This is not to your credit. You are not here on Earth to belittle even one person. Mocking makes you less.

You are here to be cordial and cheering to everyone on Earth. This goes for political candidates and for all those who are no longer physically on Earth. How can you demean anyone and think you are a crackerjack to do this? Do not pick apart anyone else's life. It belongs to them. It is their life. Do not degrade yourself. Do not degrade another.

If you cannot love everyone right now, I understand. I understand you may feel stand-offish. To lower yourself to the degree of picking on someone and diminishing their Selfhood – no more. Never again.

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We want you to C E L B R A T E ! Yes, CELEBRATE!

Humanity’s awakening process is accelerating very rapidly, so “hang onto your hats!”  On the mainstream news you see and hear increasing numbers of stories of large scale deceit and corruption being uncovered and investigated.  Corruption is and has been endemic on Earth for eons, but until very recently all the instances that were made public were of a relatively minor nature.  That has changed, drastically.  Love is honest and open, and the Tsunami of Love is flooding the world over and over again, and more and more of you are accepting its loving embrace and choosing to engage with the world around you lovingly instead of fearfully, and that is a massive change in attitude and intent.

Those of you who read and channel this kind of spiritual material are increasing in numbers daily, and the effect of your loving individual energy fields is shared and felt planet-wide.  What you are all doing, sometimes without knowing it, is bringing into effect the essential changes that are leading to humanity’s inevitable and unstoppable mass awakening.  You collectively made the choice to awaken, you then set the intent, and that extremely powerful intent is now being acted upon.  You have every reason to be very pleased with your progress, and to celebrate this knowingness daily further strengthens and empowers it.


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