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This Company Just Made A 3D-Printed Home In 24 Hours For $10K

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

There’s no doubt about it, this technology is a game-changer.

The housing industry is about to be revolutionized. This is because the company Apis Cor recently made a 400 square ft. (or 37 square meter) 3D-printed home in just 24 hours. And, believe it or not, the structure cost less than $11,000 to build.

The company, which has specialists based in Russia and San Francisco, claims to have completed the entire home in just one day – including the painting, as a mobile printer was on site in Russia.

ZeroHedge reports that the main components of the house, including the walls, partitions, and building envelopes are made of a concrete mixture. The windows and furnishings were later added on, as was a shiny coat of paint on the exterior of the house.

Whereas most houses take months to construct, this home was built in just one day. And, it cost an affordable $10,134 to build.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday March 5, 2017

If you have a desire for great change begin within, for you are the only one you have full and total sovereignty over. It is from the internal shifts you make that you create ripples across the universe that act like grand magnetizers, shifting your external experiences to match the change within. Focusing within allows you to be much more efficient with the use of your energy by working with the only aspect you have the power to create true and lasting change for, and that, Dear Ones, is you. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Two Studies Conclude 347 Native Bee Species Are Headed For Extinction

by Jessica Murray, True Activist

A recent analysis has revealed that 347 bee species that are native to North America and Hawaii are “spiraling towards extinction”, according to reports. A total of 700 bee species are currently facing major threats, which include an increase in pesticide use, together with severe habitat loss. In “Pollinators in Peril: A systematic status review of North American and Hawaiian native bees,” the Center for Biological Diversity studied a total of 4,337 native species in order to assess how the vital pollinators are enduring worsening, multi-fronted threats. Kelsey Kopec, pollinator researcher at the Center for Biological Diversity and author of the study, told EcoWatch,

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Darkness & Unconditional Love

The dark things, the scary things, the things that slither and slide just outside the edge of your light are there for a reason.  Being curious and attracted to it brings them there.  However, you have the advantage, dear one.  You know why they have come calling and you know what do to with them.  For each one you see, direct all the Unconditional Love you can muster in its direction, then watch the transformation.  How quickly they change depends solely on how much Love you choose to expend.  The only thing to need to release is the ‘fear’ of the endless and infinite well of Love at your disposal. ~ Creator


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Are The Side Effects Of Antidepressants Worse Than The Symptoms Of Depression? - TruthTheory

By Jess Murray Truth Theory

Whilst many patients have been prescribed pills to help their condition, those who suffer from depression have claimed that the side-effects to antidepressants are sometimes considered worse than the depression itself, according to reports. Some users have said that taking the commonly prescribed pills has ruined their lives, whilst others claim that the tablets have made them suicidal.

GFP Newsletter - 3/4/2017

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The people who are blissful simply don't ask. They live, and they thank existence; they don't ask either for more or for less. They don't make any demands on existence, that is ugly. They simply drop demanding.

And the miracle of life is that the moment you don't demand, the whole existence is yours; all its joys and beauties are yours - and the people surrounding you can see it.


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Speak Up

God said:

Here are some areas in Life you are not to hesitate or worry about so much as you may at present:

If you think you could be too bold, go ahead and be what you fear may be too bold. In other words, when you have something to say, speak up. It's better that what you have to say comes out in words now. Don't submerge what you have to say. Speak now. One way or another, whatever you hold back – it will come out. Let it come out directly in words before it reveals itself in resentment. Speak up now, and prevent yourself from banging down your tea cup later.

I am not telling you to be rude. I am telling you to be honest.

If you think what you have to say may be looked upon as silly or frivolous or unwise, say it anyway. Be silly then. Be frivolous. Be unwise. If you want to say something, it means something to you. You might even find that the person across from you doesn't see you as silly or frivolous at all. The person across from you may see you with the eyes of love. Take a chance. Bet on yourself.

Whatever you want to say has importance and relevance to you. Whose heart and mind should you adhere to – yours or someone else's? You are not here on Earth to toady to others.

Another way for Me to express what I'm trying to say is not to go around in circles. Don't be what you may think is subtle. You may be playing a game that has become a habit. You could be manipulating another, dear one, in the name of being polite or whatever.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday March 4, 2017

So many ask, “How will I ever meet my next great love?” Dear Ones, when the time is right, when both of you are ready, the real question is, how on earth could anything ever keep you apart?

If you are desiring to draw to you a deep and profound soul connection, there are many things you can do to move into readiness for that experience. First, it is imperative that you understand that all things must begin within. In order to move into the outward expression of anything you desire, you must understand that you, above all others, are responsible for your wholeness, wellness and satisfaction. No external can make you whole, it is up to you to discover the wholeness that you are.

Are you embodying love? Are you allowing the love that you already are to shine? Are you in alignment and acceptance of the love of Source? Are you in the divine flow of both giving and receiving love? Many enlightening human beings are very good at giving love but not quite as comfortable in the receiving of it. Are you truly ready to receive love? Are you ready to move into the new paradigm of unconditional love rather than the old conditional love templates you have experience most of your life?

The work you do now will already be smoothing the way for your divine love. The healing you do now before you meet your other is an act of love for both of you as it speeds up the process and also can save you much turmoil in the beginning stages of your relationship.

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Watch George W. Bush Refuse To Tell Jimmy Kimmel About UFOs

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Multiple presidents and presidential candidates have commented on UFOs over the decades. It started when president Truman went on national television to say that they discuss this topic at every conference they have with the military, explaining that “there is always stuff like that going on.”

This topic has gained even more attention now that there are thousands upon thousands of declassified UFO documents within the public domain, not to mention hundreds of whistleblowers with verified backgrounds speaking out.

Just as Jimmy Kimmel did with both the Clintons as well as Obama, he has now asked George Bush the UFO question. Bush responds in a serious manner, and refuses to talk about anything he may know. Bush Senior has also been asked this question before, stating that he knows a “fair amount.”


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