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Daily Message ~ Thursday March 16, 2017

When you hold encouragement for others, you become the bridge between seeing their wonderful potential and them discovering it for themselves. You become a facilitator of expansion with your love, support, and positive reinforcement.

While you may see what you think is the highest outcome for another, a true encourager holds the space for others to discover that for themselves in whatever ways suit them best. This supports freedom of self expression and expanding into their truest matches without the fear of disappointing others.

So encourage without attachment to outcome, allowing others to find their own path and timing with their own unique style, and you will be a wonderful catalyst for others to explore and discover their own gifts and highest possibilities. ~Archangel Gabriel

GFP Newsletter - 3/15/2017

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Love is a tiny death: death is immense love.

Love happens between two small individuals:

Death happens between two universes.

Love makes two individuals one:

Death makes two universes one.


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Know God for Yourself

God said:

What is upheaval? Upheaval is the sense of Life’s moving too fast for you. More Life coming at you than you would like to deal with. Too much multi-tasking for you all at once.

Sometimes you would postpone Life if you could. You would retreat if you could. You would choose a pause button, a back button, or, best of all to you, a fast-forward button where you could have a sneak preview of the future. How you long to be briefed and have reassurance.

My Word isn’t satisfying enough. I say all is well while you may see mayhem all around you. The unexpected happens. You see danger. You see all possibilities of pain and loss, and you fear all the possibilities. The possibilities strike you as outrageous, for you live in the fearful illusion of time. I could tell you that time is not real until I’m blue in the face, yet time spins its web before you, and you get wrapped up in time.

At this current moment, Eternity and Infinity are not your main interest. Later on, okay, you will try to figure them out. Some other day you will. Some other day, you really will.

Anyway, you haven’t been able to quite catch on to Infinity and Eternity. You say that you are focused on the moment, yet that is not really true. If you were focused on the present moment, you would not be so familiar with fear. You wouldn’t live with fear so close by your side.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday March 15, 2017

In order to move into better feeling interactions with others, we would suggest that if you are asked to do something, you take a moment to feel into that activity to see how you really feel about it, and if it is something you truly wish to do.

If it is, give your agreement, and you will enter into that activity with open-heartedness and flow.  If you check in with yourself and you feel it is not something you wish to do, you can gently decline, knowing that it is far better to give a mindful no than it is to do something resentfully.

Where it starts to affect your relationships is when you say yes to something you really do not wish to do. This approach frequently ends up creating resentment towards others. Resentment is an emotion that is filled with resistance, which will always create discomfort and separation. You cannot resent and love another at the same time.

Dear Ones, if you say yes to something that you do not wish to do, please understand that is a choice. It is a choice that you have made, not something that someone made you do. You are always a sovereign being, and in charge of your own decisions.

When you assume responsibility for giving a yes when you really meant no, you become more aware of your choices and resulting emotions. It allows you to let other people off the hook for how you feel. This also creates an opportunity to make different choices next time, which will only improve your relationships in the long run.

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Canadian Journalist Exposes Corporate Media For Reporting Syria Misinformation

Eva continues her campaign to end in the imperialist war in Syria and, in the meantime, continues to expose the hypocrisy and treachery of media outlets.

By: Brandon Turbeville, Activist Post   

Ever since having utterly destroyed a smug mainstream journalist at a UN Summit over corporate media’s claims that they had sources inside East Aleppo, hospital bombings, and other “atrocities” committed by the Assad government, Eva Bartlett has been the subject of a corporate media smear campaign.

Corporate media outlets and their NGO talking heads have maligned her as a “Russian agent,” a “Syrian agent,” and, probably the most ridiculous of all, even a racist (meaning white supremacist). This last one, of course, is a hallmark of the more NGO-funded or mentally handicapped SJW contingency, the usual suspects who compulsively make this accusation. The argument is that saying the alleged “revolution” of bearded jihadist freaks was funded and orchestrated by the West is to deny that Arabs have the ability to orchestrate their own subhuman revolution of savagery. (Yawn.)

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Lion Poachers Caught After Plans To Poison Big Cats Were Revealed - TruthTheory

By Jess Murray Truth Theory

Following weeks of wildlife crisis throughout Africa, two suspected lion poachers were caught and arrested earlier this week at Letaba River Lodge in South Africa. According to Andre Coppen of Canine Security, who are the group that are responsible for the arrests, information was received about a planned poaching scheduled for upcoming evening. The anti-poaching group deployed a team in the lion encampment where the poachers were due to arrive earlier in the evening, and stayed to wait for the poachers after the lions had been moved to a safe enclosure.

At around eight in the evening, two suspects cut a hole in the boundary fence which allowed them access into the lodge property. As they headed towards the lion enclosure the team lying in wait pounced on them and they were apprehended. From searching the poachers’ bags, reports were able to determine that the pair had planned to poison the lions with chickens that had been laced with an unknown toxin. As well as poisoned chickens, knives, garden shears and other implements commonly used by lion poachers were also found.

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9 Natural Skin Care Remedies for Absolute Beauty & Radiant Skin

by Ulonda Faye , The Mind Unleashed

Nature has so much to offer us. We walk hand-in-hand on this journey through life, and thus it goes without saying that when we are are need, we must look to nature.

Our skin is our protective barrier, and what, quite literally speaking, holds us together.  Though we think most often about the appearance of our skin, the truth is, besides being our largest organ, our skin is also our temperature regulator as well as our encapsulator keeping the fluidity of our body in tact. It is an important eliminatory and sensory organ too.  You can also rest assured that any emotional, physical and metaphysical imbalances in the body will with time (and often quite readily) leave its effect on the skin.  By observing our skin, and that of others, we can truly learn a great deal.

GFP Newsletter - 3/14/2017

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You say, "I am certain that I am going to die one day." How can you be certain? You have not seen death yet, you have seen only symptoms, outward symptoms. You have never seen any life dying.

You have seen only a dead body stop functioning; it was always dead, it is nothing new for it. It was a mechanism functioning for a certain period, programmed to function for a certain period. When the period is over the mechanism stops.

You wind your watch, and for twenty-four hours it goes on ticking; after twenty-four hours it stops.

That does not mean that something has died. But if you believe that there was a life inside the watch which has died, because now the hands are no longer moving, then you are believing in a fallacy.

So the first thing I would like to say to you is, don't be so certain. Never be certain about anything that you have not experienced. You have not seen anybody really dying. And even if you can see somebody dying then too you cannot be certain - unless you see yourself dying - because these things are so intimate.


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Dreams Are Thoughts, and Thoughts Are Powerful

God said:

Dreams do come true. Many of your own dreams have come true. Dreams exist. Any dream can come true. You are meant to have dreams.

Too often dreams in the world have been stultified. The world has pushed dreams down, mocked them even, and warned you not to dream. What folly!

Also the idea arises that all your dreams must come true! Who says so?

My dear ones, there is much value in having the dreams themselves. Perhaps the true purpose of your dreams is to have the dreams. It is not obligatory that all your dreams come true. It is joyous when dreams come true, yet dreams, just like you, are free to exist as they do for just as long as they do. Dream the dreams. Go for them. Do your part. And when a dream does not come true, well, then, be glad you dreamed the dream.

And it has also happened that some dreams come true do not deliver all that you thought they would. Somehow your lovely dream backfired. The dream came true, and perhaps, you were not quite ready for it. Who knows? What is just is. Don't judge your dreams for not coming true. You had a dream.

Your feet trod on Earth. In one way, We can say that there are no free rides. On the other hand, We can say that all of Life is a free ride. You are free to make your dreams come true so far as you are able. You could dream of owning a company that will do great things. You are blessed to start this company, and it succeeds, or it doesn’t succeed, or it succeeds and you find that living the dream wasn’t as you had thought it would be.


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